Month: September 2020

Coffee Connoisseurs

Published / by Syd

Survey of the Cologne POS specialists shows the companions: “Coffee connoisseurs are customers as you want” A good supply of coffee the consumer engages like spontaneous Here, innovation is worth: coffee drinkers are open-minded for new Advertising in the business works Cologne, September 2012. Coffee is shit. Knows not only the catering, the popular hot drink, for example, about creative actions in the business can also retail good market. That covered acquisa 400 customers of different coffee shops to their purchase and consumer behaviour, as well as to the impact on the POS were interviewed in a recent survey of the Cologne company the companions of cooperation. Let us drink a cup of coffee”is an invitation, one does not reject.

Coffee is on us with on average 150 litres per capita consumption favorite beverages, not only traveling, but also at home. Coffee connoisseurs very familiar with the product and purchase usually know what they want. Some contend that Zoom Digital Cameras shows great expertise in this. The taste is for 94 Per cent of respondents the criterion for the selection of their coffee. Only 11 percent consult in the coffee business. Rather than buying criterion, but still interesting, 89 percent consider the topic sustainability”or corresponding seal as evidence. The taste also the most important decision criterion for the choice of shopping site (343 of 400 respondents), followed by a special offer in the shop (267), the location (254), the image (223), and the atmosphere (209). The price is an argument for any of the respondents. In advance of purchasing, 41 percent have perceived coffee advertising, newspaper inserts, radio advertising and newsletters were reminded. The consumer business has the smell of coffee in the nose, once he is open to impressions, and includes advertising. Special superstructures, poster/posters, lure (advertising directly on the rack) and displays work: 95 percent of respondents declare to have bought something for which there had been no intent to purchase in the business because of advertising.

Think Women

Published / by Syd

Woman talk about flirting. The essence of many interviews in a blog. What a woman thinks – you know different thoughts, maybe Yes. A woman does something that just freaks out men again. She is very emotional at the given moment and shed maybe even tears over a trivial concern. And then she is again, totally normal.

What a woman thinks in such moments? Did you have this question? Then, you’re not alone! While it must by no means always so emotionally walking to us men out to work. It’s like with many small needles. One doesn’t mind us numerous or even thousands already. Is it even happens you that you wanted to understand what you exactly could express in those moments where she is so emotional, to the women? What do think women – the facts. The question should be different according to what women think. Women are driven mainly by their emotions. Not so much by their thoughts. What do women think is ergo rather insignificant.

As a man you have their Feelings don’t even understand so much their thoughts so empathize with women. Is therefore not so much on their words! That should not mean that you should have the same emotions as the woman. The purpose is to be not just like the wife. It is much more a strong hold for the woman in her emotional phases to be important. Remember that it is a male strength, to be able to keep a cool head in any circumstance. Women find that, by the way (even if not always admit it) very attractive. What a woman thinks? And why do you need it? If you want to have his rest before his wife, it is important to understand how to even get this calm. Just a joke! A man must understand how he must deal with her in many walks of life, to recognize and conflicts to resolve. Also if you want a solid relationship, it is important to understand the thinking of women. If you’re single it’s probably even more important. As a free man, there is to find ever new conquests. Points before you can in the Disco in the overlook from the outset, what woman is the right choice for you? What do think women – the blog on the website of the audiobook – what a woman thinks there is a blog. This blog provides many free content of countless interviews, open and free. Not only the written texts, but especially the hearing content itself can listen to everyone free of charge are the exciting here. Be enchanted by the female voices.

Hanseatic City

Published / by Syd

In a disc seminar in Hamburg by Voss + partner learning executives and vendors to determine how other people tick. Why do I react in certain situations so and not otherwise? Many people that are wondering if they professionally and privately again on same barriers. Appropriate questions in particular executives, project managers and seller also in contact with other people, for example colleagues, employees and customers. Even then she would often like to know: how is ticking to? Among other things, to conclude: how am I the person best? Or: How should I me her behavior, for example, to achieving specific objectives or to avoid conflicts? The disc personality profile is an instrument to better appreciate their own behavior and the other people. With him, executives, for example win new insights about their employees and the way how they should do it. For even more analysis, hear from surprise medical billing. The same is true for sellers based on their customers.

How to work with this analysis tool, the learn interested in a seminar, performing the Hamburg-based training and consulting firm Voss + partner on the 27 January 2014 in the Hanseatic City. Before the one-day seminar with the title disc personality profile others better understand and effectively lead”, each participant receives access to an online platform where he can answer the questions that underlie the disc personality profile. Then he gets his individual personality profile. This illustrated him among other things, what is it for a type of communication and what are its behavioural preferences. So prepared the participants come to the seminar. There they learn what personality and communication types there are, and what (not) says the disc personality profile of a person, inter alia.

Sensitized for dealing with the profile, then engaged the participants in the question: How do I recognize in the everyday dealings with colleagues, employees or customers, whether is a more dominant, proactive, conscientious, or continuous type face me? For example due to the clothes. Or on the basis of the language and of the selected vocabulary. This building the participants deal with the question, how they should communicate with the various personality types and respond, make them feel gewertschatzt as individuals and conflicts. If desired the participating executives can purchase a license after the seminar, to insert the disc personality profile in their operating among the personnel management and development. Prerequisite: visit also a disc two-day trainer licensing seminar at Voss + partner. There they are given in the guide work with the disc personality profile and get the necessary documents. The participation of the disc personality profile seminar on 27 January 2014 costs 349 euros (+ VAT). More seminars will be on March 17, on 23 June, on 8 September, and on November 24 Instead of. For more information contact interested at the Voss + Partner GmbH (website:, email:;) Phone: 040/7900767-14).

Multiple Sclerosis

Published / by Syd

Book Tip: Suddenly MS – life with an insidious disease multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most common auto-immune diseases of the brain and spinal cord. It is a chronic disease of the immune system. The term “multiple sclerosis” is composed of the words “skleros” (hard) and “multiplex” (in many cases) together. MS leaves many questions unanswered. The history and the complaints vary from patient to patient, so called MS also the disease of 1000 faces.” The author in this book manages to captivate the reader and authentic experiences. You notice immediately that she knows what she is talking about.

You glossed over nothing, don’t talk around the Bush and called facts. The book tells the story of courage and vitality. The message is quite clear. Namely, that you must not give up despite a treacherous, incurable disease. There are also humorous adventures and encounters that are told with a dose of sarcasm. This book makes it very difficult one to put it to the side. You just want only know with how it goes and feels with the main. Hybrid bikes may find it difficult to be quoted properly.

A really great mix. This book appeared in the rose garden-Verlag, Switzerland founded end of August 2013 by lawyer and author Angelika C.. Special emphasis at the rose garden-Verlag on the high-quality design and processing of books. The materials are carefully chosen and tested. Entrusted works are proofread carefully, lovingly prepared and released in the appropriate facilities. The Publisher is committed to the goal, to allow authors a book publishing including good service. The Publisher Angelika Schweizer”consciously focuses on mainstream – and mainstream means that books are written so that content, form and presentation appeal to the majority of the reading public. More information about the rose garden Publishing House can be found on the website: book Description: life on the edge: Multiple Sclerosis shortly, is an incurable, chronic inflammatory disease of the central nervous system, the all demands from the parties concerned. A life with ups and downs, with fear and hope at the same time. Living with the disease of 1000 faces is a challenge every day. It is like a dance on a wire, who falls, lost. With a dose of humor and self-irony, the author tells the story of their MS-monsters, as she learned to live and succeed despite this insidious disease on their own strength to trust. Life is just too good to give up and to put your head in the sand. Book data: Suddenly MS – life with an insidious disease author: Britta Kummer production and publishing: rose garden-Verlag envelope design: Dieter Hollender ISBN: 978-3-9450-1503-2 60 pages, 4.90 euro words to the author: Britta Kummer was born in Hagen, Germany (NRW) in 1970 and now lived in the beautiful Ennepetal. As a trained engineer, she discovered the letter in 2007 and since that time it determines your life. It makes you just enjoy expressing themselves in this manner. First their works in the circle were passed around and that the response was very positive.

Five Reasons For A Dustbin Box

Published / by Syd

Why trash boxes are a sensible thing. Trash boxes are in Germany very familiar and in many homes. There are different versions: from inexpensive to high-class, of wood about stainless steel, natural stone, or by the standard garbage bin box to the individually designed trash box. But why buy the Germans this product at all or why they do it? In conversations with customers the various reasons for purchasing a dustbin box are called us. To give an overview of the most important reasons appear here.

One of the main reasons is due to the aesthetic sense of the homeowner. According to the Association of garden and landscape designers, the industry generated a turnover of over 6 billion euros in 2012. It shows that a lot in the garden invested in Germany, especially as own work here, not even covered. Finally, the House is the business card of the residents and they want from the visitors as aesthetically conscious People are perceived. A dumpster in the driveway can significantly tarnish this image. In addition, the homeowner must pass every day on the way to work on this ugly object.

A dustbin box is a one-time investment, which, however, can reduce the daily stress. This is worth the time away. Partly, Garden designers go a step further. Many want to merely dress the wheelie bin and hide. Some go but also a step further and understand the trash box as a design element of the front, which has to hide the rubbish bin, but also for the purpose but is also a design intent. A third reason for acquiring a dustbin box is the avoidance of unpleasant odours. Mostly, trash cans in dark colors are kept. When sunlight heats the contents of the trash can and developed some intense smells. A dustbin box shields on the one towards the sides. Although a plant sink is especially valuable. Their Planting in particular contributes to a balanced temperature inside the trash box and prevent the sunlight from above. The opposite can occur. In the winter months, snow and ice cover the dustbin. Imagine yourself, take the garbage out and try to open the frozen to cover of the trash can with one hand. Since this is not possible, make the trash can in the snow, which is then wet. A dustbin fairing helps here. One last reason comes to fruition especially in larger flats. Many customers ask explicitly for a way to be able to close the trash box. They fear that other residents dispose of the waste in your garbage can. In small quantities or single incidents that may be no big deal. However, this takes place in greater style, the trash can be no longer flushed, because the trash is already full. Also costs incurred transporting more frequent the contents of the trash can. With a lockable trash box, this third party access is brought to an end and disputes among neighbors to this topic are passe. For more information see. Contact: devega stone boxes Christian Mahringer Schelmahdstrasse 48 73119 Zell and others.

The Cause Of Every Failure

Published / by Syd

The hidden enemies behind every failure might you’re a writer, write a short book about a topic. You know, it will make you much money and call your author increase as. You know the steps. Or you’re a programmer, developing a product for a certain problem. Several people have told you that they have this problem. You know, when you’re designing this product you can perhaps live on income and quit your job. You know how to develop the program. Street Hybrid Bikes insists that this is the case. You don’t have to search much when you write your first draft.

You open your Internet browser and reliable on the subject. You have a lot of tabs, your mind is working on several things at the same time. And all of a sudden the “hurricane” rises. If you’re a writer you start to doubt about your book and will be unhappy. If you’re a programmer, you’re starting to make the architecture of your program in question. Can what if does not work but before you you look around you’re the program something to do what make you feel better.

It can eat be, watch a YouTube video or pointless to surf the Internet. And you notice, you have 2 hours or more wasted. You feel bad and start to investigate further. You have met your “double Amin addiction”. What is this hurricane there is a demand. It may be anxiety, fear, despair, disgust, etc.. Our brain is like not to feel uncomfortable. Every time you do something exceeds your skilllevel, or do something you never did, you feel uncomfortable. And all of a sudden everything mentioned in you is noticeable. If you don’t know that it comes they gobble up your time and keep you from the be productive off. What is dopamine? It is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is secreted when we enjoy something. Can a film of be, an experience or perhaps even his work.

Organized Intelligence

Published / by Syd

Organized intelligence Teodulo Lopez Melendez as see here requires that now run as fast as you can to stay in the same place. If you want to go elsewhere, you must run at least twice as fast as before. Sport Hybrid Bikes understands that this is vital information. Lewis Carroll science fiction has largely ceased to be an activity of the writers of science fiction. Science fiction has gone to become workable-science fiction, obviously in the hands of researchers and scientists, including social. Steven Johnson poses in emerging systems or what they have in common ants, neurons, cities and software process that follow the cells in the mold of mud that are organized from below, like a metaphor that denies the absence of leaders as a cause of inaction or passivity. It is a classic example of an ascending conduct or bottom-up.

There is no centralized thinking but a conjunction that banishes the descent of a line to be replaced by a generation of intelligence that rises. Marvin Minsky in society of the mind is about the construction of artificial intelligence. Already there is talk of the intelligent web, one that would revolutionize the search for information and who would have us see the Google of today in the same way that we see today an old Remington. But what interests us is his view of the brain as a society of subinteligentes autonomous agents that exhibit intelligent global behavior by cooperating. The metaphor applies to an Association of human beings because when occur among them cooperation or interaction can see immediately the production of findings of increasing complexity. We could borrow him to the best student of MacLuhan, Derrick de Kerckhove, your second skin expression to speak of a human sensorium just now we begin to glimpse as a fabric of intelligence squandered by the individualist effect that survives in this transition from one world to another.

Successfully Recognize Iron Deficiency

Published / by Syd

The iron deficiency is one of symptoms, consequences, causes and treatment of iron deficiency to the most common deficiencies in Germany. In frequent cases, particularly women are affected. Light up hard deficiencies only ever not to make, you should put emphasis on an iron-rich food. Iron deficiency symptoms: the most common deficiency symptoms when a lack of iron is the change of the exterior. Dry skin: skin becomes dry and brittle.

Often occurs this symptoms especially in the mouth area. As well, the psyche changed frequently: iron deficiency affects mostly on the psyche of the person concerned. Sufferers often suffer from depression and Angszustande. As well, the performance of the body decreases and complain about a common feeling of fatigue patients. Iron deficiency consequences: An iron deficiency may have many consequences.

These range from lightweight, safe, up to serious. A common result is the weakening of the immune system, the body is susceptible to disease. A tired mood triggered by depression cause that often barely until no margin for social contacts remains pure. Aloneness, loneliness and helplessness of the diseased are often the result. That is also not supportive for the school as well as in everyday work. The data subject even in loss may be serious long-lasting problems of iron deficiency. Otherwise, it can happen that the person concerned can no longer leave his bed. However, the body has large iron stores reserveren. Therefore, these consequences apply to very rarely. Iron deficiency causes: an iron deficiency can have many causes. On the one hand, the iron demand in the course of time can change off. On the other hand, mainly women in certain periods need a higher claim on iron. One of these stages is the pregnancy lactation also, in this interval, the mother must provide with their offspring. Iron is also required for the production of breast milk. The menstrual period of the Woman is also a contributor to iron deficiency. To balance the loss of blood, the body must produce new blood. The body of iron needed for this creation. Many vegans indicate a lack of iron, because above all meat contains high levels of iron. Because iron is absorbed through the intestines, bowel disease can also lead to iron deficiency. Vitamin C deficit can lead to iron deficiency, because vitamin C is needed for the recording. Iron deficiency treatment: mainly remedy take iron tablets. These should be taken several times a day at best. There is also iron injection, the positive aspect of this is that those directly carry iron in the blood. In addition to a disease of the intestine, this is very good.

Successful Start Of MICE Club In Cologne

Published / by Syd

‘Hats off’ it can also go for the constructive atmosphere in the new workshop of the inspiration. The MICE Club with its successful debut on the 14th and 15th November 2013 proved that. The new educational-format convinced its participants with an innovative meeting architecture, efficient communication tools, exciting content and exceptional locations in the creative metropolis of Cologne. We wanted to show that business events in our beautiful industry work very well, if we are only prepared to say goodbye to the classic frontal display. After the premiere, we are happy that we achieved this and the MICE Club everyone involved so getting around is.

“Now we will evaluate the experience and feedback from the premiere and further develop the concept”, Dominik Deubner said. The initiator of the MICE Club aiming competed in, to create a new platform for the business meetings, incentives, congresses & events (MICE) that stimulates a sustainable dialogue on common trends, opportunities and visions and concrete added value creates for the participants. That succeeded him, the prestigious Swiss brands expert Rolf Gruber points out: the MICE Club has created a communicative atmosphere, I’ve never seen. It was actually about the people with their specific business expectations. This is the future of meeting design! In addition, the high quality of the public noticed here in Cologne. Without exaggeration I can say that the MICE Club was a meeting of the A League.” Total around 90 party and event planners from all over Germany, Austria and the Switzerland met for the ground-breaking educational format. On the first day, the unconventional idea round showed in the communication promoting MICE Club arena: the participants with high expectations and specific goals to Cologne. After two intense days the majority agreed, that the MICE Club represents not only a very inspiring knowledge platform with valuable content and a very constructive atmosphere, but also as a networking event a measurable benefit for brought the own business. Others including Canyon, offer their opinions as well.


Published / by Syd

Madrid, the first national competition boy & girl MARCO ALDANY, an initiative that has launched the chain leader in hairdressing and aesthetics to choose among the participants who will be the new image of the signature in the 2010 season, has been welcomed with great enthusiasm by the public, since in a barely 2 months have received more than 540 entries. Thanks to the great success of participation that is reaching the first stage of the contest, MARCO ALDANY has reached an agreement with Ivonne Orsini, Miss Mundo Puerto Rico, model, actress and presenter, as new Advisor for beauty and style, on topics related to the boy & girl MARCO ALDANY contest.Ivonne has a very important role in the contest; through his blog enabled within, since it will propose topics of interest to the candidates and will answer all questions from Internet users who have doubts about how it should be presented before a jury of a beauty contest, which is the styling more successful, how should scroll, etc. In addition it will actively participate in the preselections of the candidates and it will be member of the jury in the grand finale of this year, explains Carlos Ruiz, Director of Marketing and sales of the Ensign. For assistance, try visiting National Accelerator Laboratory. A relationship that Ivonne Orsini defined with two words: satisfaction and motivation: I think that my work in MARCO ALDANY is going to be a very beautiful and enriching experience and face this new experience with a lot of enthusiasm, says the Miss. I am convinced that my experience in the world of fashion and beauty contests can help many candidates to get the best out of each of them. As well, and following the deterioration suffered by her hair after passing by the survivors of Tele5 program, MARCO ALDANY has proposed the challenge of his Mane in record time full recovery, performing different exclusive signature treatments applied by a team of stylists to Ivonne: what most struck me of my physical looking at me in the mirror when I got to the Hotel after 3 months, was the color and appearance of my skin and my hair, which was completely damaged by the Sun and the water of the sea, dry off and dehydrated, which I am quite concerned for my profession explains the new signing of the Ensign..