The hidden enemies behind every failure might you’re a writer, write a short book about a topic. You know, it will make you much money and call your author increase as. You know the steps. Or you’re a programmer, developing a product for a certain problem. Several people have told you that they have this problem. You know, when you’re designing this product you can perhaps live on income and quit your job. You know how to develop the program. Street Hybrid Bikes insists that this is the case. You don’t have to search much when you write your first draft.
You open your Internet browser and reliable on the subject. You have a lot of tabs, your mind is working on several things at the same time. And all of a sudden the “hurricane” rises. If you’re a writer you start to doubt about your book and will be unhappy. If you’re a programmer, you’re starting to make the architecture of your program in question. Can what if does not work but before you you look around you’re the program something to do what make you feel better.
It can eat be, watch a YouTube video or pointless to surf the Internet. And you notice, you have 2 hours or more wasted. You feel bad and start to investigate further. You have met your “double Amin addiction”. What is this hurricane there is a demand. It may be anxiety, fear, despair, disgust, etc.. Our brain is like not to feel uncomfortable. Every time you do something exceeds your skilllevel, or do something you never did, you feel uncomfortable. And all of a sudden everything mentioned in you is noticeable. If you don’t know that it comes they gobble up your time and keep you from the be productive off. What is dopamine? It is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is secreted when we enjoy something. Can a film of be, an experience or perhaps even his work.