Month: June 2013

Get Rich Slowly

Published / by Syd

You have to remember that you already paid your debts, but it does not mean that you are financially secure, you must have a significant amount of savings for those gray moments. Always speak of the national strike in Venezuela in 2002-2003 because it was my experience: for November 2002, I had an account with enough money to cover my essential expenses for about 5 months, without However, I bought an apartment and used it for the arrays of the same (new floor, new bathrooms, new white line) because my intention was to rent it (passive entry, talk about it then) and wanted to generate good impression among my potential clients. What ever would imagine nobody, including me, is that he was going to stop working, or that it would be dismissed. But this experience and subsequent reflection made me create this blog and discuss the steps that take people to acquire financial security. And this is why I think this second saving is the most important of all. Once you did pass by a similar situation? Did you have an emergency fund and a second savings to cushion or solve the problem? What is the savings fund that you recommend? Links of interest: J.D. Roth of Get Rich Slowly talks about accounts of savings in the United States that generate high performance. Bankrate displays the list of all the United States savings accounts. Central Bank of Venezuela shows savings rates 15% for December 2008 Central Reserve Bank of Peru shows rates of savings of 6.5% in December 2008 in Mexico, the referential interest rate is located at 8.25% as of October 2008. Original author and source of the article.

International Airport Grantley Adams

Published / by Syd

10 reasons to choose Almond Resorts from the variety of hotels in Barbados: 1. Hotels offer accommodation to plan all inclusive for singles, couples and families, 2. best value for money 3. best offer on the market 4. food any of the restaurant chain hotels Almond Resorts, located on the island 5. residence of the child under the age of 16 years in room with parents free of charge 6.

Free Offers for honeymooners 7. Free Offers for weddings 8. free golf, golf lessons, if necessary 9. Free tennis, tennis lessons, if necessary 10. All hotels are located directly on the beach Almond Beach Club & Spa Hotel is located on the west coast of Barbados, which is so also called the golden coast of Barbados. In 20 minutes from the capital Bridgetown, 30 minutes from International Airport Grantley Adams.

Quiet, romantic atmosphere prevails at the hotel. The hotel only accept children of 16 years. This all inclusive resort offers wonderful selection of packages for honeymooners, spouses wishing to repeat their wedding vows, as well as, and just for friends and families wishing to enjoy the luxury of the Caribbean islands. Meals: Almond Beach Club & Spa offers restaurants with 4mya varied menu each day. Continental cuisine and a rich island forge. Also the hotel provides free shuttle service to any of the restaurants at other hotels network Almond Resorts in Barbados. Rooms: Almond Club & Spa offers offers accommodation in 161 rooms, which are located in 7-three-and four-colored buildings, which is U-shaped around a central courtyard with a garden and swimming pool.

Carpathian Mountains

Published / by Syd

It is noteworthy that the valley was formed by Glacier area many centuries ago. Narcissuses tolerate cold very well and immediately took its place as soon as the glacier retreated. A great place to vacation in the Carpathian Mountains, the valley is almost always sunshine, and flowers can give a lot of wonderful memories travelers. Nesamovite Lake This lake is located near the Montenegrin Mountains, on the hillside Turkul. Lake remarkable in that it is the most highly situated of all, it spreads at an altitude of 1750 meters. Its depth is not very large, ranging from a meter to one and a half. As a matter Nesamovite, and to him the area – it leaves only the most pleasant memories, alpine region devtvennoy Nature. This place is perfect for picnics in the fresh air and not only because of enchanting landscapes, still very close there are many sources of delicious spring water.

That still surrounds the lake? They are deep, entirely covered with green valleys, steep gorges a lot, impressive stone peaks and mountains, overgrown with grass, all forms of alpine fauna. The nearest village to the lake – Rakhiv. Fans of wilderness lake is uniquely encouraged to attend. It is so beautiful, that desire to return there immediately after the departure. Synevir lake The largest lake in the west of the Carpathians. It is situated at an altitude of almost a kilometer and there was more than 10 thousand years ago. This lake is not only the most attractive tourist destination in the regional National Park, and calling card is the Ukrainian Carpathians.

Not far from the most runs the most famous tourist destinations, many prefer to celebrate New Year here. The surface area of the lake about six hectares, and an approximate depth is at around nine meters. The water in the crystal clear and it feels great number of varieties of trout. However, fish in the lake is impossible, but it is easy to focus on cancers that are here too much. The surrounding landscape please the travelers with their exquisite beauty and grandeur. On each side of the lake surrounded by mountains which are covered with slender fir-trees, which grow almost right at the water. Near the lake are a large number of comfortable hotels and resorts, where to stay.

United States

Published / by Syd

He rang to dream, nightmare smoker? Probably, but precisely on such nasty printing is that it rests the strategy which is designed to the country more inflamed oil on the planet. The only way out to this judgment of war into which have tunnelled to Venezuela and Colombia is the urgent creation of international and regional alliances, so weigh in the interest of those who look to the interior of the continent. Do UNASUR and his security force still goes in shaping plans? this same, incidentally, is an accelerator of foreign aggression. We must hasten progress. Well known that an eventual war Chavez (or defender of their homeland) is only on the play, accompanied as always by the solidarity hypocrisy of UN and weak-kneed countries respectful of the right of the people unable to risk a concrete help in the background. United States isolate Venezuela and everyone will say many things, as always, but it won’t be anything, which Cuba. And posts already in such eventuality of aggression and isolation of Venezuela end, wouldn’t the United States nothing more those who would attack, alongside their Colombian dogs of war, dreaming of invasions and expropriations: it’s a body move more immense, more acuciada by its need for oil resources, most closely linked to industrial civilization who sees next sunset reef.

Something like Chavez against the world: USA, Europe, the UN, the treasonous Governments of Latin America (Colombia, Peru, Costa Rica, Panama, etc) and the Clique internal opposition lame-botas Venezuelan, anxious of colombianizar to their homeland. Santander emerging from his grave to finish blur the footprint of Bolivar. The domes of the power by placing the peoples in their aged third class carriages. And it rolls the progress! Author original and source of the article.