Tag: society

Evolutionary Plan

Published / by Syd

When they demonstrate that they already do not have any intention to make damage to no other alive being, it is of the kingdom that is, and we included in this group to his smaller brothers the animal, as well as to the trees and the plants, until even minerals, then his faculties psychic they will be awaked and developing gradually, but in just a short time. But before they must pass the test of its voluntary change (from the interior) TOWARDS ONE COMPLETE INOFENSIVIDAD. What moves to an intelligent being not to wish no evil to other beings, and to wait for its well-being and its happiness, is so badly understood in this planet supreme energy of the Love. If a being is completely lacking of desire some to make no evil or to wish something that owns another being, its loving energy will flow from its heart and will embrace all the beings with whom it is. Speaking candidly music downloads told us the story. To a being thus God it facilitates very many internal tools to him, because it knows it will use that them only for the good. A person whom she loves, by the same fact to love, without there is no intention guarded for his own benefit, will be a precious instrument to our service. But ay, to these we must them people look for with magnifying glass! They are so few in comparison with the rest of the humanity, that when they become instruments ours is for us more precious than the gold! And even some people who are to the service of our ships and the global intention, are attemped sometimes by the satisfaction to see itself recognized by other people or to see their name reflected in their actions that had to be impersonal, and motivated by their commitment to solely serve the others. But this one is a detail with which we must coexist and have patience.

Brothers mine, are humble and accede to work for us and the Evolutionary Plan without wishing no recognition, longing for the applause of the others and without longing for no spiritual promotion, as well as no privileged position. Because to that he is humble and without no personal desire, to that person more will occur him. The Love and humility walk always even, and in fact one cannot ascend without going of the hand with the other. They will observe if they pay attention, that all the Men and Women who have obtained a greater level evolutionary in their planet, have been extremely loving and also they have been characterized by a humble and kind character. Yes, love, kindness and humility is the characteristics of a ofrendado being to God. Loved mine, they deliver an attack to develop those qualities in its interior, because this is more important that to collect data or pavonear-self in Metaphysical discussions between everyone. We, from the Ship Alpha and other ships that are available in the Earth orbit at the moment, saluted to them and we wished a new full year of inner progress and spiritual advance them, and that can share their profits with their same types, of a humble form, helpful and disinterested.

Think Andrew, Think

Published / by Syd

Any attempt of overcoming is valid. I think that this humanity is touching living a special moment in its history. This time, in the that technology is breaking boundaries, Internet is doing. We are all United in a single knowledge. I do not think, and as I said with the excuse of all historians of the world, that we should look to the past. I believe that we must look forward, to predict what is coming to us. Study and analyze how we will behave to find us all United in the same network. I guess that after receiving this email, awoke in her the need to answer me, suddenly because something of what I told him, I encouraged his curiosity to learn something more about my opinion.

Then sent me the answer, which read as follows: Hi Andrew, you cannot imagine how much I appreciate your message. We could talk long hours. But I stand the first impression that I think provoke you my words i.e., suffer from an exaggerated patriotism. Yes, actually I love my homeland, not in an abstract way but as one social collective together with others, others who are unfortunately discriminated against, where 6 children die every day from malnutrition. Am not the only complaint was that in our country there is not only poverty but very close to palacio de gobierno and extreme poverty but somebody has to explain that situation and why we need to know the history, the past in good time everyone had opportunity to overcome it. The technology is a product of the advancement of science, I am not against it, if that they seize her own benefit. History is a social science, with certificate, is based on scientific knowledge not on assumptions. Thank you very much for your opinions, I will always be talk to you my greetings to Adriana and hopefully could send me Pirucha photos.

Hand Maid

Published / by Syd

There you will find something unusual! On Hand Maid want to draw Special note: here you can find everything: clothes for the beloved dog lady oligarch costumes for a fun party, delightful toys for the kid indifferent to the works of the masters will not remain one! And yet, Take it and do something with their hands! Teach or poem in the end. Try to take away his mobile phone tycoon and bring a friend to nature, to go skiing or fishing. Can be with my friends – even cooler be. This gift he will not forget for a long time! And if you oligarch very good friend of mine – give it a paradise on earth. Where there is an unearthly peace and quiet? Where the owner, like Pithecanthropus in prehistoric times, may merge with nature into a coherent whole? Where the only sounds the blessed and peaceful music of the surf, and eye pleasing evergreen tropical plants? Give the island! Not all the earth-mother sold out – there are still and Your friend. More? Let's.

Give the Bible! If you want – a gilded-diamond design. Useful book. However in that book – a gift – a long time nobody doubts. You can not give the newest book, published specially for VIP-persons limited edition, and the oldest. How is it? Here's how: ask your mom or sister's friend, what book he read in childhood, in the evening after a kindergarten before going to bed. Find this bibliographic rarity of second-hand bookshop and give him a memory of childhood. Give something to the symbolism of money – they say it brings good luck.

For example, order a gilded hundred dollar bill and the story on a wall in his office! Can give even a horse, but would it be to put:) Still think about how to present a better package and present. A popular option today – "treasure hunt". Put the gift in a secluded place and draw a map! Let a little distracted and pobudet baby! Or arrange gifts around the house in prominent places: in the bathroom in his office, in the refrigerator, etc. and do not talk about them. And so step by step, he will find your surprises! In general, Read more than keen on your mogul and give courage – I think you will not regret it! But remember – the best gift – a genuine smile and a real friend's shoulder.