Tag: news-last-minute

Four Spanish Soldiers

Published / by Syd

Two soldiers have suffered the amputation of a leg. As a lieutenant and three soldiers (in addition to the interpreter). Another of the wounded presents a fracture in a leg. Four Spanish soldiers and an interpreter were injured to explode an explosive device at the passage of a shielded Lynx where he traveled, in the vicinity of Ludina (Afghanistan), and that was part of a patrol of recognition of known as route Lithium. Sources from the Ministry of Dnsa have reported that as a result of the explosion were injured the five occupants of the shielded: a Lieutenant, three soldiers and a civilian interpreter. The Lieutenant, who responds to the initials A.G.B.

and soldier J.G.L., present more serious injury, have been transferred to the Role 2 hospital in Bala Murghab and have suffered the amputation of a leg in each case. Another of the soldiers, A.Q.S., has also underwent surgery and is in the same hospital, with wounds and fractures in one leg. In the next few hours, the Lieutenant and the A.Q.S. soldier will be transferred to the Role 2 hospital in Herat, managed by the Spanish troops, while the J.G.L. soldier will be brought to the Role 3, of Kandahar hospital.

The other two wounded, I.M.I. soldier and the interpreter, suffered various bruises and have been transferred to the hospital in Herat, where have been stabilized. The Lieutenant and two soldiers belong to the Soria 9 Infantry Regiment, with headquarters in Fuerteventura while soldier J.G.L. is 47 light infantry regiment, with headquarters in Palma de Mallorca. According to sources of Dnsa, since last year, Spanish troops operate in Afghanistan only with the new RG-31 armoured and armoured means Lynx, vehicles that replaced the old BMR. Currently, the Spanish contingent deployed in the ISAF in Afghanistan mission has 67 armored RG-31 and 131 vehicles Lynx, all of them equipped with systems of inhibition of frequencies. Dnsa, Carme Chacon, Minister has personally informed don Juan Carlos and the President, Luis Jose Rodriguez Zapatero. 19 attacks since their deployment in 2002 with this explosion are now 19 attacks suffered by Spanish troops in this country since its deployment in 2002, although they did not begin to occur until 2006. In these 19 attacks, including this Saturday, have died ten soldiers, an interpreter and an Afghan child, while 32 soldiers and two civilians, both interpreters, have been injured from different consideration. In addition, other 79 military personnel have died in air accidents (62 on the claim of the Yak-42 and 17 crash the helicopter they were traveling near Herat), while two others have died in two separate traffic accidents and another by a myocardial infarction. Source of the news: four Spanish soldiers and an interpreter are injured in an attack in Afghanistan

Important Thing

Published / by Syd

The two know what a critique unceremoniously, that is not forgotten. Michael Bolton collects them: cloying balladeer, too much lacquer for ears or singer who seems to have a hernia, as said the veteran composer Irving Gordon, famous for working with Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby. Kenny G is not far behind: Royal buffoon of the saxophone, Emperor of music for elevators or baron of boredom. But the two gives them just what they say. In recent months, Sonny Perdue has been very successful. Both have dared to cover incontestable classics – Bolton to Frank Sinatra and Kenny G to Louis Armstrong – while they have known what do not know everyone: success or, better said, the Sauerkraut. Because the two have sold millions of records with figures of the Beatles and Michael Jackson, and they also received favorable reviews from important people. Kenny G is also famous for being the favorite saxophonist Bill Clinton. Source of the news:: “the most important thing is the public’s respect”.