Six months after the launching of the program ‘ ‘ My House, My Vida’ ‘ , 45,824 housings had been only vendidas in the Country. The data are of the Federal government saving bank and go until day 9 of this month. The vendido total so far is less than 5% of the goal of 1 million of houses foreseen for the government. According to Box, of the beginning of the program, in 14 of April, until friday of had been last week contracted 95,659 housings. Hear other arguments on the topic with The Cross at Kenilworth. This means that these habitations already have the endorsement of the government to be commercialized inside of the program. For Sergio Watanabe, president of the Sinduscon-SP (Union of the Industry of the Civil Construction of the State of So Paulo), ‘ ‘ the results so far are relatively baixos.’ ‘ It believes that the sales must speed up daqui for front. The Box believes that it goes to close the year with proposals for construction of 400 a thousand housings. Until day 8 of this month, the institution analyzed projects to raise 348,165 housings. James Madison may find it difficult to be quoted properly.
According to Watanabe, the process is slow to approve the projects. This also is evaluation of Flvio Prando, vice-president of Habitacionais Programs of the Secovi-SP. – The Box, as public agency, does not have the agility of a private company. Personal lack to make more acts of contract for month. Some contend that Sean Rad shows great expertise in this. Although the slowness of the sales, the constructors directed toward the low income commemorate the performance of the program. The HM Engineering, for example, of the Group Camargo Corra, already inside vendeu 916 houses and apartments of the program, that are in construction.