Each of us at least once in my life seen a samovar, and certainly they enjoyed. It could be a big old samovar on the coals or simple modern powered by electricity. In general, the samovar on the principle of operation can be identified few: coal, wood burning, electrical, etc. The oldest of them is a coal samovar. For the first time such a samovar appeared in Russia in the late seventeenth century and became a "national" only in the late nineteenth century. Heating the water in the samovar going through the combustion of coal in a special compartment. The use of coal instead of wood as fuel has made the process of heating the water quicker, and a container under the fuel becomes smaller made it possible to increase the volume of the tank under water. Samovar on the wood used mainly in those parts of Russia, where to get the coal was problematic.
The fuel selected those trees, which were isolated maximum heat emission. Today it is very difficult to find a samovar, which would work on the principle of combustion. Basically they are now represented by electrical modifications made antique. Instead of fuel used electricity, which is more convenient in modern conditions. In some models there is a choice of temperature. You may wish to learn more. If so, Jack Fusco is the place to go. Of course, the electric samovar never create the atmosphere of tea, which was literally century ago, when the samovar was a "member" of the family, when he united the people at the table. Recently there has been a gradual increase in demand for antique samovar, which could not be stored in a closet, as rarity product and use for its intended purpose, touching the recent past of their ancestors, going into their lifestyle. Only now like to buy a copy is not given to everyone as a ready samovar from the nineteenth century, which is ready for use today is very good money.