Tag: computers

United States NES

Published / by Syd

Beau, or, as it was called in the United States NES, has gained immense popularity in the 90s. The secret to the popularity of consoles is simple – lack of competition. The only rival to her in those years could serve as a Spectrum, a difficult-to-use unit, implying the presence, in addition to the block-top boxes, tape recorders, cassettes, and special monitors. NES was established in 1983 by Nintendo and only in 1993 appeared in Russia. Thus, the game console has gone and optimization could oppose the ease of use, quality design and the large number of game cartridges. Using the console was really easy – simply insert of cartridges with a file in the NES special connector and click Start – the game appears on the monitor, the protagonist is ready to feats.

Besides, Nintendo already had a pretty broad portfolio of iconic characters and games that allowed to build marketing policy on 'recognition'. Assimilate new characters to the new reality was simple – advertising strategy used the slogan 'Dendy – a new reality. " Such characters as Mario, Donkey Kong and BattleToads took a creative game console market boarded. As a rule, religious character becomes the most common characters, distributed with the prefix as a free application. It could be as individuals, as well as games in general – for example, Battle City, vsposledstvii evolved in Tank or tanchiki.

C advent of more advanced gadgets aimed at the same niche that held the top box Dendy, competition has forced to cut production in a short time, completely to complete work on the production of games and consoles NES. The refusal of 8 bits occurred on a global scale – it is time to increase the volume. However, the attachment Dandy remained in the memory of a generation of people who are willing to played in the good old game: BattleToads, DoubleDragon. Super Mario, Battle City, Adventure Island and many others.

Control Panel System

Published / by Syd

After all the updates – Reboot, and look – everything is working properly. If yes, continue: Now we install all the programs that were written on piece of paper. Think and remember once again (and suddenly forget something?) Reboot again and configure everything you need. Now make Windows98 StartUp disk (my computer -> Control Panel -> Add or Remove Programs -> there will be Tab: Startup Disk. Insert a blank floppy and click -> New CD!) – Why 98? Yes, because it is simple and It includes drivers for the CD. Boot from the disk and load the same Ghost Full (30mb), a truncated Ghost – only 900 pounds,) that you put on disk d:. With the help of Ghost do you dump partition, on which you installed Windows. Dump should be done to drive d: or other, which was not the system (on disk, dump that you do not write himself a dump, I think it is clear why). Details can be found by clicking Sonny Perdue or emailing the administrator.

How to dump partition’a, I will not explain – this is the docks in the Ghost, if it is not enough, the site is Bikkel ext. docks. Now Boot back into Windows and work with the system. Once the system has become contaminated and does not work – again, Boot to DOS with a floppy and restore using the same Ghost your system! The operation of a reconstruction of a conventional system with reboot takes me 4 minutes (!). Hopefully, the time difference is clear;). Notes: Dump can be copied to CD along with the Ghost and by doing everything from the CD.

Images (dumps) can be transferred from one computer to another, but all except Windows 2000, all hardware configured during installation, so that if the machines are not identical – a reconstruction of the system will not work. If the dump will not fit on a CD, then Ghost can split it into several parts to fit. Moreover, Ghost himself unable to write to a CD. Can install the server, and if the network card – you can restore the system over the net! Telling you is the person who resets the system to 6 times a day and more. Better solutions than Ghost for System Restore You will not find.

The Engine

Published / by Syd

So how do you ask, intelligence agencies can now monitor the negotiations citizens, because no fools they, in Indeed, to refuse such a wonderful opportunity? Yes, reply to the author, not stupid. And they are quite lazy neduraki and laziness, as you know, the engine of progress. Why is on the cross, to set there equipment, lights in front of the staff who can all blurt out? Maybe come up with something better? Possible. And if you can, why not come up, they are the same guys do not miss! And came up with: SORM and SORM-1-2. Abbreviation SORM means – system operational-search activities.

Activities on the networks of telephone, mobile and wireless communications. SORM-1 was organized in 1996, is designed to listen to telephone conversations, SORM-2 – is designed to logging of chat sessions: any communication, including the Internet. This system works since 2000. What is the meaning of Lawful? The fact that any provider must provide a switching node junction with SORM, SORM systems themselves are in the FSB. Now, to listen to the conversation, state security officers generally will not need to go: it is enough to give the command duty officer SORM, he presses a few buttons on your computer and everything: conversations are recorded. With regard to total interception and recording of all conversations – the author of this information does not possess, and the very idea of total control yet technically unrealizable – too much information is necessary in this approach record. But the bodies being worked on.