International Islamic Relief Organization

Most of the givers for these types of meritorious organizations they do not know that this was infiltrated by a terrorist group. However, some givers can know to have supplied such deep for charity intentionally, to occult> true intentions of its activities of financing. This type of operation is riskier of what the previous model. Infiltrating an existing organism already with the intention to guide its resources in others the risk of not only being exists discovered for the authorities, but being discovered by internal mechanisms of supervision of charity institutions. This financing is understandably a less common boarding. Charity alegadamente associates to the Al Qaeda include some branches of Arabia to the base of Al Haramain, the Global Relief Foundation, the Al Humanitarian Organization Wafa, Afghan Support Committee (ASC) and Al Barakaat. Several other organizations actuam as despistagens to raise money from multiple sources of financing and multiple terrorist groups. The Muwafaq (' ' Blessed Relief' ') Foundation, commanded for the entrepreneur Saudi wealth Yasin al-Qadi, it helped to finance some Islamic terrorist organizations, including the Al Qaeda, acting as an organization onward that rich Saudis transmitted dollar millions.

An example of a charity without conscience of the destinations of its money is Kuwait Revival of Patrimnio Islmico Society (RIHS). In similar way, the International Islamic Relief Organization (lIRO) had some of its offices infiltrated by the Al Qaeda operations without the knowledge of other offices. There for example, lIRO Phillipino was penetrated by Mohammad Jamal Khalifa, the brother of Bin Laden- in the law, and was used to support filiados terrorist groups of the Al-Qaeda. Moreover, lIRO Pankishi Valley in the Gergia incased E.U. almost $ millions to the Chechnia since 1999 – 2000, pparently without any knowledge of that the deep ones were destined for militant Islamic. Cell of the financing mechanisms Cells, on the other hand, generally do not receive directamente from beneficence or other great organizations deep, although caridosas mosques to be able to help coupon scams.