Tag: art and science

Rondon Project Knowledge

Published / by Syd

Rondon project Appeared in middle of the decade of 1960 the Rondon Project was conceived to make the connector link between the university and the community. If you are not convinced, visit Jill Schlesinger. When the knowledge if arrests the pipe of assays, it cannot become innovation. The necessary knowledge to have use, the research is not the end in itself exactly, but the way to alavancar the development of the society. It propitiates that the knowledge constructed in the university finds canals not conventional. This navigation for other areas of the knowledge forms a citizen with social responsibility and capacity of intervention, in the questions of the society. necessary knowledge to leave the pipe of assay, and in the Rondon Project the knowledge goes to the public square, where it is argued, apprehended and even though rejected. Automatically the knowledge generates acceptance or repulses, that exactly necessary and is necessary game of waist to make with that the knowledge is attractive.

The extension fulfills these papers above listed, it prepares the student to participate in the development of the Brazilian society, therefore in the activities of the extension this works in the direction of this development applying the knowledge apprehended in the classroom, leading its pipe of assay for the community. The stimulaton to the knowledge of the problems of the present world happens in the practical extensionista, therefore the knowledge in the people is not played as if it inserted given in the computer, the extension always is a place to share, and thus the Brazilian reality is apprehended. the extension is the window that obtains to spread out what it is created in the university, is openings that take light in the darkness ruelas of incultos environments. In accordance with Caldas Barboza (1995) the extension provides to the student the knowledge of the professional reality and awakes it to it conscience and the social commitment.

PLC Project

Published / by Syd

Summary: With the increasing one of the electronic industry, we aim in this project the automation of a mat with total controlled greenhouse for a PLC in order to minimize costs and to optimize processes. One searched innumerable forms to automatize this process, aiming at costs and praticidade, we opt in using a PLC of the ACTS to be used in the part of control of the project. Type barrier with sender and receiver for the recognition of parts was used sensory, through on relays to the sensors we manipulate the movement of the mat and aberturadas the doors of the oven that are on the two engines direct-current. Due to lack of in projects of low cost and good functionality in equipment directed I deal to it and the industry, findou for motivating the proposal of an alternative system and that it takes care of these perspectives of the market. For accomplishment of this project a system of control for operational is programmed being this responsible for the automation electric mechanics and. Excessively component studies will be presented on functioning and used for development of the operational ones of the project. We still stand out, that the main challenge will be the elaboration of highly efficient project the low cost of production, in order to motivate the commercialization, remaining accessible to the economic reality of our country.

Research Proposal

Published / by Syd

It will go to determine the relations between the 0 variable that had given origin to the research problem. In other words, it is a to be defended thesis, as ' ' reply provisria' ' to the research problem raising in the previous item. It is a testvel proposal that can come to be the solution of the problem. Requirements for hypotheses: ) the logical consistency: the terms of the statement cannot be contradictory and must be compatible with the current scientific knowledge; b) the enrolled facts must be verifiable, passveis of evidence; therefore the use of the moral, religious concept is not admitted transcendente; c) the conceptualization must be clear and understandable; therefore, necessity of necessary terms and if preventing generalizations; d) it does not have to be based on moral and subjective concepts and to prevent adjectives as: good, bad, young, old, current, obsolete, harmful; e) must make use of a theory that gives sustentation to it. 3? Objectives the definition of the objectives explicit what the researcher wants to reach with the research work. Objective is synonymous of goal, end. Here you indicate, clearly and accurately, what you want to make, that goals you want to reach with its research, unfolding in: 3.1.

General objective: It indicates of generic form which objective must be reached. He is on to a global and including vision of the subject. One becomes related with the intrinsic content, wants of the phenomena and events, it wants of the studied ideas. One directly associates with the proper significao of the thesis proposal for the project. It stops to construct this topic answers the question ' ' So that ' '? 3.2.

Specific objectives: The specific one enrolls (s) objective (s) (s) that they will have to be reached by the execution of the research proposal. They present character more concrete. They have intermediate and instrumental function, allowing of a side, to reach general objective e, of another one, to apply this the particular situations.

The School Of Chico Professor

Published / by Syd

Edson Silva I still did not hear and I liked very! It can seem strange, but it is accurately as soon as I feel in relation to the collection of Mini-Livros/CDs de Chico Buarque of Holland, launched for the April Collections and that it is in the sixth of its twenty volumes. I have all musics (that I know and of which taste of the Chico), therefore would be indifferent I to acquire the collection alone for the CDs. I also find necessary to say that many of musics of the Chico, for being very slow, can not please the wheel of friends in the bar, packed for some doubtful rhythm of the present time, duly sultry for the sonorous relief provoked by the frozen beer. But the letters of the Chico, these, and almost all, are poetical and are excessively. But nor it tries to argue this next to the friends of the small bar or snack bar, them will say that you are you are of the judgment and will repeat choirs without sensible of as many musics of modernity.

But, as the Oswaldo Montenegro would say, it was not this that I wanted to say on the collection of the Chico. I want and go to say that integrant booklets of the collection are not mere complements of the CDS, with histories of musics, letters of same and the other curiosidades on the personal life and the career of the artist and its friends. They are true lessons on recent history social politics and of Brazil, mainly on ‘ ‘ Years of Chumbo’ ‘ , of the Military dictatorship. The time was lived in intense way for Chico Buarque, that was born in 1944, and had 20 years when the Military Blow occurred, that it would last up to 1985, year where a civil president, even so for indirect election, it saw College Electoral, it would come back to govern Brazil. ‘ ‘ eleito’ ‘ , Tancredo Snows, died before assuming the government, fitting this task to its vice one, Jose Sarney. A curiosity that called attention in one books, sobres the year of 68, the famous Institucional Act in. 5 (AI-5), that it banished the individual freedoms in Brazil, is that Chico lived, thus can be said, between the cross and the sword, with its type of music being contested for the engagements of the Music of Protest, that students had chosen as illustrious representative the revolutionary poet Geraldo Vandr, and the modernity of the Tropicalismo, led for Gilbert Gil and Caetano Veloso. Valley to remember that in this cultural bubbling still it had the New Bossa, the Young Guard and logical the Brazilian samba. One of historical booklets of the school of the life of Chico professor tells that certain time Gil would have pulled a choir of: ‘ ‘ surpassed, surpassed! ‘ ‘ during a presentation of Chico, that would reply insult with article in periodical, that would bring between critical elegant and cultured a phrase that serves, at least, it stops making to above all reflect in them in the life, also in the proper conditions that all we live: ‘ ‘ Nor all madness is brilliant, as nor all lucidity is velha’ ‘ . This was in message of the brilliant Chico given in the end of years 60, but it has something more modern and current? Debtor for the lesson, my expensive friend and Chico professor Edson Silva, 48 years, journalist, was born in Campinas and works as assessor of the press in Sumar.