Traveling Abroad

I do not reveal a big secret when I say that the most popular in the Urals (and all over Russia) is a kind of leisure rafting, or the old-fashioned, river rafting. There are several reasons, but mainly due to the fact that the Urals to surprise "water" edge. I assure you that such a number of creeks, streams, rivers, lakes, you will not find anywhere else. In all this diversity of each river rafting trip will find yourself on the shoulder. The range of categories, which offers the Urals for water-tourists – from 1 cc to 5 cc Will be satisfied with everything, and inexperienced "mattress", and professionals of water extreme. For the first suit family river rafting Wisher, birch or Item Type. For the second will be actual rafting or kayaking on Akchime, a tributary of Vishera, during flood.

Not without reason, every spring, here conducting the festival of extreme sports. Thresholds on Akchime – up to 5 cc In general, strictly speaking, it is necessary to distinguish exactly rafting and any other river rafting. The word "rafting" comes from the raft – frameless inflatable raft up to 18 people that you are most like a big inflatable boat with the cross members, the so-called "Banks". Raft has a high buoyancy, it is very stable and easy to use. In addition, there are other means for the alloy on the River. Single word, of course, deserves a catamaran. Catamaran differs in that it has metal (usually) a frame and two, independent of each other, the cylinder. The catamaran is a more professional tool for rafting.

Although, on this occasion many copies broken: what is considered splavsredstvo more professional. In addition to the raft and catamaran for rafting on the river is quite fit and kayaks, inflatable boats and simple, and PSN-s, and even a makeshift vessels from inner tubes. Very very exotic way of rafting on the river – rafting on a wooden raft (although, before this method was very popular, even). It is clear that the last in our list, two "vehicles" fit only for "mattress" of the alloy at a very quiet river Ural. There is another unique feature of the alloy on the rivers of the Urals – a saturation of routes in terms of historical, architectural and event tourism. For example, during rafting on the River Birch, you can visit the villages where they lived Believers, Believers, while rafting on the river Item Type Divyu visit the famous cave (the largest in the Perm region), admire the temples and churches, ages 17-18, to visit the unique museums and holy places Cherdyn Cherdyn County. Water tourism in the Urals – this is not only not so much, exciting adventures and struggle with the water element, but rather a chance to fully enjoy the multifaceted nature of our region, visit the unique historical and cultural attractions.