Tower Construction

Mark's was consecrated a new bell tower, a copy of the ruined, but with reinforced construction. Two legendary medieval towers of Bologna – the older and younger Azinelli Garizendi. The growth of high towers – 97.2 meters, the youngest – 48 meters. In the XII century, wealthy families of Bologna, led the competition – who will build a high tower, he is worthy of highest honor. The family built the tower Azinelli 97.2 meters, but the tower was unstable and deviate from the vertical by 2.2 meters. Who won in this competition is unknown, as the tower leaned on family Garizendi threatens the value of 3.2 meters, and in the XIV century it was dismantled to its present height – 48 meters. And in Azinelli tower in the XIV century.

housed a prison. In the XVII century. and later astronomer Javan Richcholi Batista and his namesake physicist Grimaldi tower used for the experiments with the acceleration of free fall. Later on the tower TV antenna installed. So tower can safely assume Azinelli old winner of a medieval event! Now fast forward to the north of Italy in Trentino, in the town of Silandro, which is more like Austria than Italy. Local Bell Tower reaches 97 meters in height! It almost caught up the bell tower of the church of St.

Nicholas in Lecco (Lombardia). Neo-Gothic tower was added in 1902-04 years. 96 meter high bell tower became a symbol of the city. Siena and Florence – the eternal rival, were in one place, with towers of equal height – 94 meters. The tower of Palazzo Vecchio in Florence was built in 1310. Inside the tower is a small room, called for special otelchik criminals, among others, are kept Cosimo de 'Medici to his expulsion from the city and the Dominican priest and dictator of Florence, Girolamo Savonarola, before, was hanged and burned in the square. On the tower are three bells: Martinelli, bell, beating at noon and largest bell. In 1667 the tower was decorated with giant clock that is still spravno work. Manju Tower (Torre del Mangia) from Siena on the famous towers at the Campo Comunale Palazzo. Its name can be roughly translated as "a tower fan to eat," a funny name comes from the fact that the first keeper of the tower Giovanni di Balducho greatly appreciate good food and spend it on all their income. The tower was built in 1325-1348 years. In 1360 Bartolomeo Giudi assembled mechanical clock that hung in the tower. In 1349, placed the first bell, which in 1666 had to be replaced by a new one, named sientsami Sunto, or big bell, dedicated to the Virgin Mary. Weight about 7 bells tons. The bell sounds in the traditional way, only when starting the Palio, it is a signal of the approaching holiday. On the other days, the bell strikes mechanical hammer. Until 1425 was a metal hammer, and then it was replaced by a stone. The modern hammer was used in 1780, but the stone is kept in the Palazzo Comunale. We completed the top ten tallest towers and bell towers of Italy.