Tag: vocational

International Economy

Published / by Syd

The Neusserin Verena Pleitgen is appointed the first professor at the University of Neuss for international economy. On October 14, 2010, Neuss University of international economic celebrated the inauguration of Dr. Verena Pleitgen Professor for global trade and corporate governance. Thus, the niece of the former Director of WDR, Fritz Pleitgen, who has held since July, 2010 the Office of the Dean of Studies Branch School of Commerce at the University of Neuss for international economy, has arrived now with signed and sealed on the higher education career Summit. A, was started in 1994 with the Abitur at the archiepiscopal Gymnasium of Marienberg in Neuss, Germany full circle with their Professor. Of Neuss in the world and from the world back to Neuss: With the international orientation of your career, which 2001 is indicated with the master of science in economic history at the London School of Economics and politcal science, Verena Pleitgen corresponds to the mission statement of the Academy Neuss international economics as tailor-made. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Horace Mann. The combination of scientific career (from the Scientific staff member about the lecturer at the Department of economic and social history to the promotion to Dr.

rer. pol. at the University of Cologne) and the education system of the College Neuss for international economic maps almost exemplary professional practice (most recently at BDO Deutsche Warentreuhand AG Wirtschaftsprufungsgesellschaft, advisory services). So has the study at the centrally located premises on the market 11-15 the integration of academic and practical training to the target and offered dual or in-service courses in international industry and trade management and logistics and supply chain management, complete with the title of Bachelor of science and in the dual studies include a study abroad as an integral part. The Vita by Prof. Dr. Verena Pleitgen as well first professor at the College of Neuss for international economic offers an ideal example for the newly arrived clownish, who recently took her studies at the Academy of Neuss for international economic Their own professional future development potential.

Successfully Overcome Learning Frustrations Can

Published / by Syd

Learning frustration can very easily be fixed through an effective learning method some students do not know how you would acquire knowledge, therefore they have difficulties in learning and resign. The tuition – and language school Garcia and Karkhanis conveys basic knowledge in the field of learning, so that a student independently can acquire knowledge with success. If you understand, you can easily learn why learning in trouble can get and is able to rid themselves of it. Understanding why learning problems can arise suddenly, but lack the willingness to deal with the subject matter falls very quickly. Uncertainties in the learning can take quite a bit of. Further details can be found at billing degrees, an internet resource. Teachers will complain about a small oral participation of the student in the classroom. Notes in the report book used the parents informed that their offspring is pressing for a long time before the homework. Not to mention the notes in the respective compartment.

The freedom of choice, learn something about a thing to want to, should be in the first place. Someone who thinks he knows everything about an area, will not be able to anything new from this topic to learn. For students, the question of what to do with the subject matter or how they can use the mediated knowledge in life arises often. Alone establishing a purpose for an area of expertise, will change a student’s already immensely to positive and learning behavior. If someone has chosen a thing to learn about something, he should start next to study something. Thus, it is meant to examine things closely, to observe and to explore.

You can ask also about or read anything about it. Here, you can naturally encounter different difficulties. The American L. Ron Hubbard discovered that there are basically only three basic obstacles to learning. When you can see them, and deal with, it is not stopped learning and can acquire successfully new knowledge. There is a barrier, the someone’s Ability to learn pretty can stop. It can even cause a person to have nothing to do with the topic more. Not or misunderstood terms are the reason. You create also fatigue in learning, concentration disorders, or are the reason that you no longer can remember what you’ve read. Many other phenomena indicate the same barrier. In the tuition – and language school Garcia & Karkhanis, students learn what Lernbarrieren may occur and how to quickly turn it off.

Equal Opportunities

Published / by Syd

Focus on abilities rather than name, age and gender of Cologne, 09.12.2008 – skills come pursuing this principle Talential, the new exclusive recruiting platform for specialists and executives: the candidate profiles on Talential.com be shown companies exclusively without name, designation of gender and specific age. Thus, Talential converts his opinion that alone skills, knowledge and experience of the candidates at the recruitment process in the foreground should be. At the same time, this measure ensures a maximum equality of opportunity of all candidates. This approach underscores the approach of Talential, to change the placement of professional and managerial staff. This change goes far beyond the anonymization of CVS, the platform turns the classic application process as a whole: Talential.com apply for selected companies for selected candidates. The platform focuses on professionals and managers with at least three Years work experience and EUR 60,000 annual salary.

The profiles of the candidates include qualifications, education, professional and career goals. Additional personal data, company received only if a candidate accepts the invitation to a job interview. Talential turns the recruiting process for professionals and executives, because companies have a shortage of these employees. About Talential businesses apply to candidates. Both sides benefit: companies find faster and more cost-effective highly qualified specialists and managers. The candidate opens up new career opportunities that match their career goals.

The Cause Of Every Failure

Published / by Syd

The hidden enemies behind every failure might you’re a writer, write a short book about a topic. You know, it will make you much money and call your author increase as. You know the steps. Or you’re a programmer, developing a product for a certain problem. Several people have told you that they have this problem. You know, when you’re designing this product you can perhaps live on income and quit your job. You know how to develop the program. Street Hybrid Bikes insists that this is the case. You don’t have to search much when you write your first draft.

You open your Internet browser and reliable on the subject. You have a lot of tabs, your mind is working on several things at the same time. And all of a sudden the “hurricane” rises. If you’re a writer you start to doubt about your book and will be unhappy. If you’re a programmer, you’re starting to make the architecture of your program in question. Can what if does not work but before you you look around you’re the program something to do what make you feel better.

It can eat be, watch a YouTube video or pointless to surf the Internet. And you notice, you have 2 hours or more wasted. You feel bad and start to investigate further. You have met your “double Amin addiction”. What is this hurricane there is a demand. It may be anxiety, fear, despair, disgust, etc.. Our brain is like not to feel uncomfortable. Every time you do something exceeds your skilllevel, or do something you never did, you feel uncomfortable. And all of a sudden everything mentioned in you is noticeable. If you don’t know that it comes they gobble up your time and keep you from the be productive off. What is dopamine? It is a neurotransmitter in the brain that is secreted when we enjoy something. Can a film of be, an experience or perhaps even his work.

Bonn Rhine

Published / by Syd

Together instead of against each other – for people with and without handicap from 20 to 23 August an inclusive beach volleyball tournament takes place in the Bonn Rhine floodplains. Play on two fields people with and without disabilities, but not against each other. The event is organized by DUNITAL e.V. from Bonn in cooperation with the German sport University. The non-profit association receives financial and organizational support including through the formation of bm in media called the the design and printing of promotional materials and the program booklet contributed. On the spot, she will be represented bm as a partner and introduce their training courses to young people. DUNITAL e.V.

advocates a better together of disabled and non-disabled people, and organized a weekend dedicated to the integration. Together instead of against each other at the beach volleyball young people can show that they are true team players. Between games, plenty of time for refreshments, entertainment and information remains. In a relaxed atmosphere the possibility of including the bm and its partner University consult the HMKW (Institute for media, communication and economic) to leave. IHK training in the purely commercial or in the media area, dual studies, retraining or education, the bm offers many ways to the individual dream job. More information about the bm and the HMKW, see the bm will be present from 22 to 23 August with an information booth on site. There is more information on the beach volleyball tournament at

Electronics Cast Instead Of Frosting

Published / by Syd

House of technology seminar ‘encapsulation technique in the electrical engineering and Electronics’ components and assemblies in electronics and cable connections in the energy technology are always more frequently formgebend overmolded (poured over) and protected as safe against environmental influences. Encapsulation technique is applying or wrapping a liquid, 1 – or 2-component sealing compound on a defined PCB, case, until all components are cast. If the compound is dried and cured, all components are encapsulated. This protects the electric circuit or the cable connection against moisture, dust, pollution, vibration, and shock. It improves the electrical insulation, flame retardancy, the cohesion of the circuit during transport or installation in the field. The encapsulation technique nowadays increasingly gaining importance, as the warranty obligations of the manufacturer.

The trend contributes a large part to the compact construction, especially in the automotive industry. Here move E.g. electrics and electronics is closer to the engine room, what greater demands on the shield. Applications for the encapsulation technique can be found in every industry, from automotive via Industrieelektronikapplikationen to energy technology. The procedure for selecting the correct the potting compound for the different applications is the focus of a one-day event “encapsulation technique for electrical engineering and Electronics”, offered by the Haus der Technik on March 3, 2010 in Essen. Typical ver casting defects, their cause and prevention are discussed in detail. Machines for the application of the products are presented in detail. There are the ideal potting compound nor the ideal potting machine.

Only the ideal combination of customer, quantity of production, sealing compound, as well as mixing and dispensing equipment.

European Sales Manager

Published / by Syd

Growth in the boardroom at IMEX printing inks Maastricht, 2 April 2013 growth in the boardroom at IMEX printing inks: Coen van Etten of printing ink manufacturer from Maastricht strengthens its management to an experienced marketing specialists. Since April 1, is responsible for the 57-year-old all sales activities by IMEX and will continue the growth. We glad to have won Coen van Etten at the interface to our customers for the responsible post”, emphasizes Murat Bekiroglu, Managing Director of IMEX printing inks. In this phase it is essential to have an experienced Manager and industry insiders, who has extensive experience in the development and implementation of sales strategies in the team.” Objective: Growth of IMEX pursue IMEX printing inks b.v., a company emerged from a carveout combines the former Division offset printing inks of BASF at the location of Maastricht under new management and runs the business with high-quality Heatset inks since last autumn continued successfully. The change from Coen van Etten to IMEX as new Director of marketing and sales underscores the growth course. Is responsible with the experienced Manager for both the Pan-European sales and export overseas. Also he takes over the development and implementation of the marketing strategy of the company responsible. I look forward to this challenging task”, van Etten says confidently.

My goal is to continue the growth of IMEX printing inks with my colleagues and strengthen our brand.” Van Etten last since 2004 as General Manager of the world’s second largest printing ink manufacturer in Flint was responsible for the regions of Western Europe, Africa and Middle East group. Previously he was responsible for the distribution of polymer products in Europe at KoSa GmbH in Frankfurt as Director of marketing and sales. His career started in the studied engineering at the former Hoechst GmbH and went through 12 years various positions up to the European Sales Manager he Maximum coordinate Trevira GmbH. van Etten that expand existing distribution structures in the European core markets and export overseas, as well as the marketing activities of since September last year of independent company marketing and sales strategy as head of marketing and sales of the IMEX printing inks b.v is new. In addition to the corporate office, customers from all special regions have also fixed, local point of contact for technical support and all questions relating to the use of two lines of IMEX color GF and LTG. The central structure of IMEX offers have always been short and uncomplicated way of contact, in addition we continue to invest in our local network of employees who can be for our customers within a very short time with advice and assistance on the spot to help,”van Etten explains the concept of IMEX. In addition should be invested strongly in marketing and exterior appearance of the company, to increase the visibility of the newly independent company.

About IMEX printing ink B.V. IMEX (ink. Manufacturing by EXtrusion) printing inks B.V.. headquartered in Maastricht, Netherlands, develops, produces and distributes generated offset inks for the heatset area in a unique extrusion process. The company’s success is based on technical know-how and the always superb prints with brilliant colors and razor-sharp lines that reach customers by means of two IMEX color lines GF and LTG for normal or high quality papers. more information: Maximilian Hilber T: + 49 (0) 89 38 15 13 38-0 F: + 49 (0) 89 38 15 13 38-9