Tag: society and culture

Cycling In Italy

Published / by Syd

Italy is known by its traditional trips of bicycle. The bicycle is used in such a way by the tourists as for the proper inhabitants, therefore it is a fast vehicle, little or nothing dispendioso, and in the case of the tourists they can look at its return while they pedalam. One of the areas with a greater I number of ciclistas is in the South of the Toscana, in particular in the province of Siena, where magnificent agricultural roads exist that make connection with medieval villages, and I pass through where it and almost inexistent. However, whenever I choose more moving streets has to have always in I pass through it to attention, therefore the Italians general rule tend not to give attention. All the vehicles that are smaller than of them, tend to be ignored. In such a way, if agile and ready you and extremely not to jump outside of the road as soon as to come danger, to circulate in some roads are definitively not recommendable.

But the areas of Siena are definitively an area where it can usufruct of cycling and everything what the city has to offer. If you this to planear to have its proper bicycle, then must have in mind that the choice of the bicycle must reflect its interests. In the generality, a comfortable bicycle, all the land is the sufficient to pedalar in the Italian roads. For moreover, the bicycle has to be equipped with fine tires to give a versatility. if does not forget to equip itself with everything what it needs in the case one damages. The best height of the year to circulate of bicycle for the Toscana is in the Spring (half of April), ties beginning of the Summer (half of June). In July and August the climate becomes very hot and dry, and to pedalar can not be most comfortable. The same it happens if to choose to travel after November. With luck you will have clear days and with sun, but also the risk will run to find rainy and windy days. It confers more tips, sees as to carry through a trip of train in Italy it can be easy.