Tag: for mercy

Dressings Mojos Ajiceros Canned

Published / by Syd

In the last two columns we have written the sauce and condiments, as an essential part in the process of adding flavor to meals. Now, after carefully reading these articles, some questions I left in the mind, as for example the role of oils and flavored Vinegars, pickles and other dressings, often used to add flavor to meals. Comes me to mind that my parents made us a tasty mojo Island, to accompany meats and salads or uncle Joel, who always had in your fridge, trujillanos ajiceros, to give a touch of flavor to dishes. I do not stay any choice to review my notes from school, consult the books of the school de cuisine Le Cordon Bleu and by assumptions review Venezuelan specialized cookbooks, to delve into the different ways of flavouring foods, in addition to the written previously. From our point of view, we came to the conclusion that, to supplement the information in these columns, we had to write about dressings, mojos, ajiceros & canned, as complementary preparations in the kitchen, to flavor dishes of food.

Dressings, condiments are to enhance the flavor of salads and other dishes, which contain oil. Within this category of condiments are the vinaigrettes, prepared with three parts of oil per one part vinegar and are often used to dress green and mixed salads based on pasta, legumes, fish & seafood. Then there are the boiled seasonings that bring a deeper flavor and a velvety layer to vegetables, fish, poultry and meats. The mojos are dressings that highlight the flavor of other dishes. It is usually prepared with herbs and mashed or very thinly cut vegetables, oil and vinegar. In Venezuela, the best-known are the mojos trujillanos (Trujillo State), that support many variants of ingredients and are served at breakfast, as companions of arepas, empanadas and cupcakes. Mojo Lara (Lara state), is more spicy, tomato, chili and, in some cases toasted pumpkin seeds.