These are pautados in disgnostic and pointers territorial partners, such as: the transport of the cities, the complexity and the hierarquizao of the services, with the efetivao of the cofinanciamento in systematic way, surpassing the traditional conventional relation and incorporating and extending the financing of services of continued character. (NOB/SUAS, 2005, p.130). The NOB/SUAS/2005 establishes the new mechanisms and reforms of transferences of federal resources where they aim at to consolidate deep the regular and automatic view the deep one, with the objective to support technique financially and the cities, states and the Federal District in the expenditures with the socioassistenciais services of special basic social protection. This new systematics, beyond less bureaucratic, becomes more efficient the federal government in the reach of this objective, fortifies the advice of social assistance and all the instances of social control, making possible bigger effectiveness in the application of the public resources. But which the abrangncia of this organizacional structure with respect to low income population? As we know, even so this context of the dimension exists all politics of the Social Assistance, is inserted in a Neoliberal project, where if it operates in particular conditions, the whose elite is historically conservative, whose practical performance assures the social rights minimum, eliminating many times the structure and social responsibility of the State in face the social matter; privatizing public and state services, beyond the impoverishment of the average layers of the population resulted of the structural unemployment and lack of investment in infrastructure and professional qualification. So that the destined resources to guarantee the subsistence of the poor persons, and to become them titular staff of social rights, these are decisive, to endow the people with minimum capacity for constitution of citizens litigious politicians of public resources to take care of some necessities of the life. Thus, it underlines Amartya in says that the capacity to them of a person depends on some factors, that they include its personal characteristics and the social arrangements rank to its disposal to develop them and to extend its potential capacities. .
Social Assistance
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