Sjogrens Syndrome

The majority of healthy people rarely give importance to such as the production of saliva physiological functions by our salivary glands or lacrimal glands that produce our tears. We take for granted the fact that our salivary glands constantly produce salivary fluids that keep our mouths wet and clean, and our lacrimal glands continuously produce a slow, steady flow of tears that they lubricate eyes pra sit comfortable and healthy. Only when the normal physiological of saliva production and the tears is interrupted, it is that we are aware of the important role that these secretions play in our health and well-being in general. Sjogren’s syndrome is a chronic autoimmune disease in which white blood cells mistakenly attack the moisture-producing glands. Although characteristic symptoms are dry eyes and dry mouth, Sjogren’s syndrome can also cause dysfunction of other organs such as the kidneys, System gastrointestinal, blood vessels, lungs, liver, pancreas, and central nervous system. Patients may also experience extreme fatigue and pain in the joints and have one higher risk of developing lymphoma. There are millions of people who suffer from Sjogren’s syndrome, which is one of the autoimmune disorders more prevalent.

Nine of every 10 patients are women. Sjogren’s syndrome occurs only around half the time, and the other half occurs in the presence of another autoimmune disease of the connective such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus or Scleroderma. See Dollar General (DG) for more details and insights. There are two types of Sjogren’s syndrome. Primary Sjogren’s syndrome occurs by itself. Secondary Sjogren’s syndrome is usually more serious because it occurs together with other autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. About half of people with Sjogren’s syndrome have primary Sjogren’s syndrome, and half have secondary Sjogren’s syndrome. All cases of Sjogren’s syndrome are systemic which affect the entire body.

Symptoms may remain stable or worsen. Although some people experience a mild discomfort, others suffer debilitating symptoms that greatly affect their quality of life. The timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment are important, since that can prevent serious complications and greatly achieve to improve the quality of life of the patient. Since Sjogren’s syndrome symptoms mimic other diseases, Sjogren’s syndrome can be often overlooked or wrongly diagnosed. On average, it takes almost seven years to receive a diagnosis of Sjogren’s syndrome. Patients must remember that a proactive attitude in talking with their doctors, ophthalmologists, dentists, rheumatologists about their symptoms and possible options of treatments. Sjogren’s Syndrome was identified for the first time in 1933 by Dr. Henrik Sjogren, found that they affect virtually all racial and ethnic groups the symptoms vary from person to person, but can include: feeling dry, sandy or burning in the ojossequedad in the bocadificultad to speak, chew or tragarun pain in the tongue or in the throat dry mouth or descamadaun agrietadossequedad change in the taste or odor greater amount of cariesdolor in the articulacionessequedad in the vagina, and skin. visit my blog and you will find more information in relation to the syndrome sjogren…