If you decide to renovate an apartment, office or any other room, he will surely think about the methods of implementation of the forthcoming work. If you would like to know more about Gagosian Gallery, then click here. In this case it is clear that for high-quality finish before all necessary pre-alignment of all surfaces, whether ceiling or wall. There are three basic ways to align the walls and ceiling – dry with drywall or other building panels, wet – plaster, and combined. Michelin Star Restaurant brings even more insight to the discussion. The latter usually involves plastering walls and ceilings of piece goods. In this article we shall discuss in more detail in the preparation of the ceiling and walls before the finish finished with plaster. By the absolute advantages are high quality made of plaster and the lack of solidity of the inevitable when using any finishing panels seams, joints and voids. Durability (Service life of more than 25 years), suitability for almost any application, even the most capricious in terms of fundamentals of finishing materials.
As well as technological accuracy (quality plaster walls and ceiling aligns with a tolerance of 1-2 mm per 2 m) and plasticity, allowing to perform complex design projects. In addition to all of the above, the wet walls eliminate the problem of fixing arising from the hitch mount and items of furniture. Well chief among the advantages of stucco – environmentally friendly due to the use of natural ingredients in its composition, and practicality of use. In Russian conditions, utility and imperfections heterogeneity of communication is particularly important waterproof plaster. In practice, this means the following. If you have filled in the neighbors, for example, top, or directly in the apartment was accidental water leakage, when timely action taken (water harvesting, drying and aeration), plaster coating to maintain their quality. And the water had time to absorb already, plaster gradually give up, keeping the interior in its original form, whereas in decorated plasterboard interior, like this photo plasterboard ceilings, do not succeed, regardless of the measures taken. Another unquestionable advantage of plaster – it saves space.