
Wow! Perhaps even one-celled amoeba more clearly aware of their personality than I do in those seconds. Wow, perfect emptiness – no feelings! Only because of the saving 'of the dynamic shock' which followed the opening of a parachute, I woke up. In itself, then I came, but still could not control the situation. The main task for me at this moment was the expanded inspection of a parachute for his integrity and lack of overlaps and other possible special cases. But, my God, I do not could not see anything! And it was a helmet, gathered from the jolt to my eyes. A few seconds later, I tried to hoist the nervous movements of the 'cap' on its rightful place, but the attempts were unsuccessful.

Then, calming down, I decided that anywhere my dome will not get (the more so tangible problems have not arisen, and in the air, I seemed to me, hung motionless and stably), and started to unlock the red lines on the reserve. After graduating from the slings, I still make one more effort, and to my great delight, was able to correct his helmet. Finally I could enjoy the flight! I flew quietly, looking all around, and in this amazing celestial silence from my lips suddenly burst exclamation of delight. My soul rejoiced. What a wonderful feeling like a bird! Suppose that only a couple of minutes. That's how to soar and hover over the sinful world But Chronos is inexorable. No sooner had I, as should 'spread his wings' as the land start run against a supersonic speed. I'm remembering the instructions of senior comrades, began to cringe, convulsively clustered, waiting for the bounce of the stronghold.

I have found it difficult to restrain themselves in this wonderful pose wary of the embryo, but after a couple of seconds, my foot (and after them the whole right side) could finally feel the immediate proximity of the land. I got up, I realized that is alive and well, and began raking canopy as suddenly discovered that I was on the runway, and I wheel our 'for maize. " Grabbing his feet in his hands, as well as parachutes with his helmet, I ran for restrictive cones. Catching his breath, I am not without the help of fellow-jumper had looped and folded into a bag chute, and we, as the saying goes, tired but happy strolled across the field at the center of the airfield. The sky has already blazed the sunset and I was overflowing with joy, serenity and a set of sensations, nontransferable words another dream I was able to accomplish, and now I want only one thing – again in heaven!