Ancient Rome Travel Guide

From the window of any hotel, central Rome offers you the opportunity to see the architecture that made Rome a truly great city. It is a tourist town and everyone should travel to Rome at least once in your life, here you will have some events for which its monuments are so famous. Don’t forget to have on hand your travel guide to learn about in all directions to Rome. Forum: The Forum was once the center of all the commercial, political and judicial life of the Roman Empire. The Forum is composed of several fragmented buildings with columns protruding toward the sky. Trajan’s column is a construction of elegant marble dating from the year 113, while the eight columns of the Temple of Saturn, with its Ionic capitals, attest to the date of beginning of the 42 years before Christ. This is fairly recent in comparison with the fragments that make up the Temple of Castor and Pollux, the oldest temple in the Forum, dates back to 484 b.c. Unfortunately, all that remains are stones, debris and three Corinthian columns.

If you want to see the notions of what is left of the sculpture, ceramics and mosaics, even from the site, visit the Antiquarium of the Forum. The Colosseum: Another must-see is the best-known symbol of ancient Rome, the Colosseum, or Flavian Amphitheatre, this was the most impressive and imperial amphitheatre in the ancient Roman world, could accommodate more than 70,000 spectators, 10,000 of whom were standing to watch the matches and performances that took place there. Rome offers you the opportunity to explore some of the old houses of the notables of Rome. Two examples are the Domus Aurea and the House of Livia. Domus Aurea: The nature of the opulence of Nero is legendary. He made his clearest statement on the design and content of the Domus Aurea, the Golden House. A tour of the home of this famous Roman Emperor gives him a slight touch of his eccentricity, wealth and madness. Some terraces have survived the centuries of neglect.

You can see the fonts and visit the underground chambers, the mechanisms of rotation and the Banquet Hall were discovered in 2009. Livia’s House: Livia’s House has a simple outer structure, but, inside, Livia, the wife of Emperor Augustus, was living comfortably. Many of the wall paintings still survive, and the frescoes depict mythological scenes and lush landscapes. Rome was the true heart of the Roman Empire. Simply looking through Windows Rome, can reveal the best and the worst of what was the Republic and the Roman Empire.