Colombian coffee is most often found on sale in Russia and are not uncommon, unfortunately, cheap and Colombian coffees issue in restaurants of Russia for the exquisite variety of other countries in this paper, we propose learn about the most famous varieties of Colombian coffee. The second global supplier of coffee on the total is Colombia. Colombia is located in the Southern Cone of South America, on the one hand washed Pacific Ocean, on the other – the Caribbean Sea, the country's climate is equatorial, which contributes to growing the best varieties of coffee. When the world's gourmets say about Colombian coffee, meant only to good coffee. Most of all, prized coffee beans Arabian coffee tree grown in the mountains of Colombia, the country's west.
Famous coffee plantations are located at high altitude from sea level in the following cities: Medellin, Manizales and Armenia. Coffee grown on these plantations, has a mild taste and unique flavor, and has good acidity. Coffees are called at their place of growth. So kind of coffee produced in the district of Armenia is name – "Armenia", a variety produced in Medellin – Medellin, and grade produced in Manizales – Manisal. These varieties are among the best. In Colombia, the coffee beans are classified and sorted by size. Since grain famous types of Supremo and Excelso have a size of the holes in the sieve.
The most common species in the world of Colombian coffee: Colombia Excelco – is one of the world's best coffees. Grow this variety on the western slopes of the Andes and a height of up to 2000 meters above sea level. A distinctive feature of the coffee Colombia Excelco is its pronounced taste wine and soft, delicate fragrance. This variety works well in conjunction with any coffees. You may find Carrier to be a useful source of information. Huila Excelco – is the name of the area of its growth – Hula. Has a subtle texture and leaves a slight fruity aftertaste. Huila Excelco is one of the best varieties of Colombian coffee world famous. If you love good coffee and visit often coffee shops, cafes and restaurants in Chelyabinsk and other Russian cities to draw attention to the following: This Colombian coffee of superior quality such as, Excelso or Supremo find it very difficult to replace the cheaper grades usually do not which leave the aftertaste. Also pay attention to the fact that the Colombian coffee good grades Excelso or Supremo is necessarily in the title name of the region they are grown.