According to given biographical offered for Select the Literary one of Amazon (1966), of Prof. Lins, FranciscoXavier Galvo, as well as its Anatlio personage, came to the world in 1906, nacidade of Manicor, region of the River Wood, Amazon and, January faleceu in 1956 in the Riode. Son of cel. Sundays Hermilo Galvo and Maria Cabral de VasconcelosGalvo, made its studies in Manaus, the Gymnasium Peter II. The author entered ‘ world of letras’ . He was state deputy for Amazon in two legislatures and, poca of the Revolution of 1930, travelled for Rio De Janeiro, where if it formed emDireito and it wrote in diverse agencies of the press. There it published, in 1934, Land of Nobody.
Francisco Galvo in accordance with the SeletLiterria of Amazon of Lins Professor (1966) belonged to the movement doparnasianismo in Amazon, with the workmanship Regal Victory. The poems are loaded of romantic emotions dresses for the formaparnasiana with all the rights that the same one dictated: metric perfect and rimasricas and precious. It is in the expression of social romancista, that if perfaz the social paper deFrancisco Galvo, that stops J.M. Gomes de Almeida, in the Regionalistic Tradition in the Brazilian Romance, writes: ‘ ‘ The writers now seem maispreocupados the direct questioning of the reality of what with the renewal dalinguagem narrativa’ ‘ reality, at the same time, to offer to the social historian deacordo with Sevcenko: ' ' The positions, the emphases, critical the gifts in the obrasnos had served as guides of reference to understand and to analyze the suastendncias marcantes in its social levels of framing and its escolade valores' ' (SEVCENKO, 1999, P. 22). Therefore, Land of Nobody, foiescolhida from a long research amongst as many workmanships of the temticaextrativista in Amazon, but, for being a romance that deals with the social ehistrico of the Amazon region. finally, for terms entered in contact comalgumas people who had lived at the time of ' ' cycle of borracha' ' , especially osoriundos of last the great race of the rubber between 1942 and 1945, incentivadospelo president of the Getlio Republic Vargas.