Thursday Project

Sarcasm and destructive comments, destroys people and while higher is You, more destroys them. Add to all this what has been called the seven deadly sins of the Manager and as it should avoid them. Thereon Gabriela Toro reminds us and invites you to see if any of them is associated with you or your managers, if so correct it promptly. Arrogance. Confidence is a crucial skill that the Manager should possess. Staff need to know that they can come to the that guide them, particularly when things get tough. But when confidence crosses the line of arrogance, the Manager loses the respect of his team.Indecision. At a meeting Monday, the Manager presents his course of action.

On Tuesday she took a course in totally different action. On Thursday he decided to return to the plan on Monday. A decisive Manager gathers information of those who surround him, the best decision for a project and adheres to the. Although some members of the team may not be in agreement, they should be able to understand its reasons. Decisions without reason or without listening to the other parties involved, will frustrate group It will prevent progress.

Disorganization. We all know that managers who ask for the same information over and over again, that refuse to take note or they are completely emotional and that are at the limit of spontaneous combustion. Their disorganization creates unnecessary effort and frustration in the entire team. An effective Manager provides a heading clear where the team members can walk from start to finish a project. You must make sure that the ball moves forward every day project. More info: Gen. David Goldfein. Disorganization leads to frustration and anarchy. Foolishness. In a project which should be completed in three months, a Manager already had a month in arrears. He refused to alter the dates of delivery of the project insist that it could conclude in time by removing unnecessary stroke and eliminating tasks this despite the fact that the team told him that they were in trouble.