Documentation Centre. Undoubtedly, the Documentation Center of the special, and not only in architectural terms. It is encouraging that the approach to the topic of "National Socialism" is different here than in other notable places of the country … Berlin newspaper "Tagesspiegel" "Pin" of steel and glass easily penetrates monumental structure. The design cuts diagonally across the northern part of the former head of the hall congress of the National Socialists. Sheep sound stuck in petrified folly of grandeur. This design – a clear contrast, "says Stone," "Third Reich".
A characteristic feature of the new documentation center on the territory of the Party congresses III Reich at Nuremberg is it a corridor with walls of meters thick, machined cutter. The discovery of this extraordinary teaching of German history took place November 4, 2001 the Federal President Johannes Rau. AND however, Nuremberg finally out of the shadows of its history. During the celebration of the National Socialists (1933-1938 gg.) Francs capital was the center of propaganda. Adolf Hitler did of the former imperial city convention city "Partiiynyh Congresses Reich." The National Socialists aimed elected "the casket of jewels of German Empire" for its "brown" holidays, so as to continue the tradition of the former imperial city of the "Holy Roman Empire of German Nation "to the" Third Reich ". At the party congress in 1935 were hailed as "racial laws" (Nuremberg Laws), which deprived Jews of all rights and paved the way to the Holocaust. Each year at parades and appeals the masses of people forced to believe in the regime and their "Fuehrer." Propagandists had staged a "people's community".