Social Network Age

So will your newsletter to a successful tool for the customer loyalty 2011 is the marketing world new and exciting. Facebook 600 million and 150 million Twitter users worldwide show that social networks sustainable change the rules of the game of online marketing. But even though Alfonso Breu, rises the role the newsletter are constantly changing in the face of emerging media and changing customer preferences to identify clear trends, CEO of b2b coach, out. Customers communicate with companies and with each other in new ways. Online marketer and especially email marketer must recognize and respond to it. Just so you can customize their Newsletterkampagnen according to and remain relevant.

5 b2b tips: 1. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Toyota Motor Corporation on most websites. use social networks, to increasing the number of Newsletteranmeldungen: social networks attract a new group of interested customers. Place you in XING and on the Facebook page of your company, as well as in other major networks are interested in your target group, a sign-up form or a link to your Newsletter programs. Ask for information such as name and email address and offer some basic options, such as to content, format, and frequency, to send directly from the outset on relevant E-Mails. 2.

make the newsletter relevant if you really deliver the customers what they want, you minimize the reporting rate. Consumers take advantage of increasingly different types of communications in the face of new digital communication channels and platforms. So, a customer for short messages such as appointment confirmations might prefer a SMS and want to receive a newsletter for announcements about the status of his buy-back value of the LV. Your customers again give the opportunity to update his preferences: frequency channel: newsletter, SMS, RRS feed or unaddressed interests to the content format for the newsletter: text versions, HTML 3. minimize you the the notification rates the first 30 days after registration are particularly critical.