Main Installation Phase

The main stages of installation of an autonomous wastewater company 'service-Eco' for more than three years of implementation and installation of aeration of deep biological treatment plants 'TOPAS'. Over time, our experts have accumulated experience, which is now used in the creation of new developments in the field of wastewater treatment by the local sewage system. Supplied by our pollution control equipment designed by engineers and highly qualified was praised by both professional and ordinary users. Specialists 'Services Eco' complex to solve any problems that arose before the builder of the facility where there is no central sewerage system. Today sewage to a country house or dacha does not require large investments, is easy and efficient to use. Local sewer 'Tapas' is easy to install. Here are the basic steps of installation: 1.Vyryt pit size model atonomnoy sanitation 2.

Delete the station into the pit (perhaps with the help of four to five). Sonny Perdue pursues this goal as well. At the same manhole cover should be above approximately 20 cm above the ground. 3. Make sprinkled with sand, without necessarily large fractions, and the concrete enclosure is not necessary, aeration station, and so have sufficient stability. When the body and sprinkled with sand while the station is filled with clean water to equalize internal and external pressure. 4. Dug pits under audit and storage wells.

5.Podsoedinit Suction-and discharge communication. 6.Podklyuchit electrical cable and install the compressor equipment. If you plan to year-round use of the battery drain, then further insulate its not worth it. If the assembly is in the far north, it is necessary to insulate the upper meter, this will be sufficient for normal functioning of the individual treatment plant. When you purchase and installation of any model of treatment facilities 'Tapas', choose a reliable company, which is sure to provide a guarantee as to the very products and on its unit!