In such a way, knowing itself of the power that the miditica propagation is capable, it is looked, for me, to adjust it this format, and the speech politician starts to take care with performances that if incase as ‘ ‘ facts jornalsticos’ ‘ , since the impostao of voice and you say sidewalk in accomplishments for its hearing as great expense of energy for ‘ ‘ production of facts polticos’ ‘ , ‘ ‘ that they sensetize the media and, for intermediary of it, they reach the sphere pblica’ ‘ (MIGUEL, 2006). Bernard Manin also points, in project, with respect to the ticket of ‘ ‘ democracy of partidos’ ‘ for ‘ ‘ democracy of audincia’ ‘ (MANIN, 1997) .3.3. It informs Latinobarmetro 2007, Bank of Datos en Lnea Still in accordance with Informe Latinobarmetro 2007, Bank of Datos en Lnea (p 4, 5 and 6), which intends to mensurar in indices that demonstrate support to the democracy, to the private initiative and the intervention of the State or in the economy. In the research with the population of each one of the 18 countries of the region (except Cuba), they had been included all the electoral cycle of Latin America, of 2005 the 2007. It consisted in the reports to the eleven carried through presidential elections between November of 2005 and December of 2006, followed in 2007 for the elections of Guatemala and Argentina and, in 2008, for the elections of Paraguay and the Dominicana.Em Republic the question confidence, the television had a 47% punctuation, periodicals 45%, and radio 56%, inside of a scale established for.
Latin America
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