Emilio Garrastazu Mdici

It widened the road net of the Federal Government, and the beginning of the energizao of the cities, in phase of the construction of the hydroelectric plant of Good Hope for the Union; tarring of the arteries of the urban center, the construction Da Ponte on the river Indigo, construction of the port of the Itaqui. Neiva de Santana (1971 the 1975) the PROJECT OF SETTLING IN the GOVERNMENT PETER NEIVA (1971-1974) In the decade of 1970,0 Brazil lived under the discretional regimen implanted by the military blow of 1964. At that time, the state governors were indicated by the general-presidents and later elect for the respective ones State legislatures. The doctor and former-mayor of So Lus Peter Neiva de Santana were indicated by the president of the GAL Republic. Emilio Garrastazu Mdici to the government of the Maranho and, after that, elect for the State legislature. Installed as governor of the State, Peter Neiva de Santana made use to develop it one politics of agrarian settling in the State. For in such a way, he counted on the unrestricted support of then the president of the Republic, had nominated that it.

General Emesto Geisel, that succeeded the Mdici, also supported greatly the initiative, in way that only remained to give beginning to the elaboration of the great agricultural project. On the other hand, given the necessity to print speed and dinamizao in the process of occupation commanded of vacant lands of the Maranho, the creation of a settling company became necessary. With this end, in day 6 of December of 1971, the Project of Law n 2 3,230 was directed to the State legislature, where it was appreciated and approved in character of urgency. The act authorizeed the governor Peter Neiva de Santana to create the Company Maranhense de Colonizao (COMARCO), structuralized under the form of anonymous society of mixing economy.