Andalusia At The Forefront Of The Franchise In Spain

The consulting firm mundoFranquicia has presented these data, showing an Andalusian community in the first positions of the majority of statistics on franchising. For example include figures on the number of flags: 148 823 chains present in Spain found in Andalusia, employing more than 22,000 people working in more than 6,200 stores.Only Madrid, Catalonia and Valencia outnumber the figures for this region. In this community, according to our calculations, it concentrates 17.9% of the total number of establishments that comprise our franchises, which denotes the importance of the Andalusian market both for the flags and for entrepreneurs in the region who see in this formula an option for business expansion and business development, says Mariano Alonso, founder and General Director Socio of mundoFranquicia consulting.Escapes no one that the franchise mode is a great solution to alleviate 20% of unemployment which supports Andalusia. By its nature of self-employment formula, in a situation of progressive deterioration of employment in our country figures, the franchise continues to see increased their ratios of occupation, aspect this that we expect to see increased in 2010, before the start of numerous businesses by persons who have lost or may lose their jobs, adds Alonso.Entrando in comparative between Andalusian provinces, Seville and Malaga are leading almost all rankingsstarting from the number of flags, with 52 and 46 networks respectively. The same applies to the rest of statistics, from the establishments until the employment or sectors, where services, restoration, advice and fashion have greater presence.You can consult the guide of franchises to have greater repertoire of franchises in Spain. News, articles, interviews with franchises, new franchises, franchise Guide, all the news in the world of the franchise you can consult it in directory of franchises. Original author and source of the article.