BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF TECHNOLOGY PECHATISVOYSTVA color of the object become this or that color because of its ability to reflect, absorb or transmit light. The sensitivity of our eyes allows us to distinguish thousands of various shades that make up the visible spectrum – including many of the colors that can not be reproduced on screen or transferred through the printing press. To describe the colors we use three basic characteristics – hue, saturation and color value. Hue – is neither more nor less than the wavelength of light reflected from the object, or passed through it. Hue defines the color name for example: pink, green, blue, etc. Color value (which is also called brightness or lightness) characterizes the degree of brightness of color – in other words, it is an indicator of proximity to the shades of black or white. Saturation defines the richness of color or tarnish.
On individual perceptions of the same color appearance to some extent influenced by environment, for example, the difference in the illumination of objects. As Typically, in everyday life we do not pay any attention to this, but in printing even irrelevant at first glance the differences could result in very significant losses. Understand the mechanism of impact other factors on the visual perception of colors and color accuracy when printing, you can get more predictable results. Each unit involved in the creation of color publications – whether the scanner color monitor, a color desktop printer or printing machine – is characterized by a range of reproducible colors (color space).