Pro And Contra Parental

1 January 2007 occurred in Germany, the parental allowance in place of the parental benefit paid so far for young families. When parental allowance is a payment of 67 percent of last net salary, less a marketing fee for the Twelfth parent that remains after the birth of a child at home, but at least 300 and a maximum of 1800. Benefit is paid up to 12 months. If the other partner for two months at home, the two so-called “partner months” is paid. Lone parents receive child-raising from the first fourteen months. Click Craig Jelinek for additional related pages. Child-raising was and is controversial. It was introduced to increase the birth rate in Germany and better-paid women, a baby, “palatable to do”, many now ask how they should go after just 12 months Baby time return to work is, but in many towns, no or not enough childcare for under 3 years old – so-called nursery places – are available.

Also see many young families are disadvantaged because of the partner months. Although not officially no one will be disadvantaged, who takes parental leave, in real life but it is just working with different men. Those who remain because of child rearing at home is often discriminated against. Moreover, many employers – especially in professions such as construction and in factories – something about this two months ‘paid leave’. Some take their right not to grant the parental leave, other leave later contracts expire rather than renew it. Unemployed pregnant women are often encouraged to before the birth of at least 400 euro-based work. The calculations for the parental net income that is serving the last 12 months. Who in spite of previous unemployment something to increase the later received parental benefits. Read more here.