In addition to the eldest son, still had another son William, greater than Arnau. William was the second of several brothers, but would have been Arnau designated traditionally dress habits of the Church. Thus, as the third son of the Lord of Solsona, the natural choice of Arnau de Torroja had been joining the Crusades, but was born between the second and third Cross, so that it could not participate in them although he enlisted as soon failed to make war in the Holy land. By your contacts and social position, his departure from the homeland only succeeded after being honoured with nothing less than Bertrand de Blancafort personal appreciation, before this noble Templar was named Grand Master orders of Zion and the Temple of Jerusalem then very recently introduced in Catalonia. It was a period when its habit still not inspired too reverential, but yes great curiosity by so novel formula of converting to the monks in optimal warriors. Also called attention to his motto: Non nobis Domine, non nobis, sed Nomini Tuo da Gloriam; which translates thus: not for us Lord, not to us, but for your greater glory. The bibliography on the Knights Templar today is incalculable, and still must be greater reference to each of the eight Crusades, written however as regards the period between the second and third major cross- officers, turns out to be quite the opposite. The Knight Arnau de Torroja was the most prominent member of his family with international prestige because he became the ninth maximum dignitary general, joint, the two sister orders of Zion and the Temple of Jerusalem, city is where he lived at different stages of his life and almost until his death. Prior to bear the higher hierarchy of such powerful medieval Cavalry orders, Arnau de Torroja had also been the fourth Gran Maestre Provincial lands of Provence and the Crown of Aragon.
Non Arnau
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