In The New Year The Pleasure Rises To Hot Flirts reveals the reasons for the increased desire for passion Berlin, January 11, 2011 – new year and new affair: it fits perfectly. Because the odds are now better than ever on a hot foreign flirt. At least 44 percent of the surveyed members embark after the turn of the year specifically on the search for a new affair. Why the lust now rises to a titillating tete a-tete and what criteria should necessarily meet the new liaison, shows a recent survey by Germany’s leading casual dating Portal under 1,391 Mitgliedern.Neujahrsstimmung up makes you want more new year should start with a new affair at 36 percent of the respondents Fremdflirter unity there is in this point. You may wish to learn more. If so, medical billing software is the place to go. You use the optimism and energy of the year change to look after an erotic adventure. Over 30 percent of the page Springer feel a strong desire for change after the Christmas routine and escape therefore in an affair. Swarmed by offers, Customer Choice Awards is currently assessing future choices. Loneliness during the Days of Christmas ensures 29.7 percent of page jumper, to plunge headlong into a recognised adventure to the beginning of the year. Lack of attention (20.4 percent), sexual passion (18.2 percent) and self-affirmation (16.1 percent) in the own relationship followed as reasons for the search for a hot Flirt in the new year.

Men want a sexy body, character that men and women are very different beings, women is also reflected in the search for an erotic adventure. Over 72 percent of the respondents Casanovas require above all an attractive body in the casual dating partner, followed by sexual experience (55.9 per cent) and an appealing character (55.4 percent). In comparison, women are 48.4 percent, for the body of the flirting partner plays the most important role. Who wants to score at the femmes fatales, can do this especially with character (66.3 percent), sexual experience (64.7 percent) and a heady smell (59.8 percent). Page jumper search liaison lasting silent agreement there is on the foreign medico, however, for the duration of the new love affair: over 66 percent are looking for a long-term tete a-tete.

15.3 per cent, however, want a short-lived affair. 13.8 percent estimate flirtations that run in parallel. Only 4.9 percent want a one-night stand at the beginning of the new year. is the first choice on the Internet for anyone looking for an affair with level. Here, people in the targeted search get acquainted for erotic contacts and adventures. Since the launch of the portal in Germany, Austria and of Switzerland in 2004, recorded a daily increase of up to 1,000 new registrations the casual dating agency and making it one of the fastest growing portals of its kind. Currently, over 1 million members in German-speaking countries use the services of, which is characterized by reliability and anonymity as well as high level of user friendliness. The project guarantees a consistently high level and good quality of online dating users. For more information: press team Julia Mertens Tel: 030 / 609 811 48 email: Twitter: