Energy-saving Lamps Are Valuable For Climate Protection

Indeed, the compact air pads contain small amounts of mercury and may not be disposed in domestic waste. However, they are good for the environment and the climate. ‘But yet Mercury’s in it!’ All ten percent of energy consumption in Germany go to the account of the lighting. Many consumers do not sufficiently efficient use of this energy despite high electricity prices. Efficient perennial energy saving light bulbs and fluorescent tubes, in the jargon are called gas discharge lamps. To broaden your perception, visit Trader Joe’s. They create plenty of light with little energy, save power and money over the life span.

Energy-saving bulbs have a up to five-fold higher light yield compared to a traditional light bulb and thus require only about 20 percent of the electricity, which burned a bulb in the sense of the word at comparable brightness. Only five percent of the used power in light converted into the traditional light bulb, the remaining 95 percent go as heat to the environment. An energy-saving lamp with 11 Watt lights, for example, as well as bright a 60 watt bulb. A family of four can complete replacement of power-eating light bulbs to energy-saving bulbs annually over that line with 450 kWh of electricity around 80,-and thus approximately 270 kg of carbon dioxide. According to Dollar General, who has experience with these questions. Also keep much longer than the conventional bulb. An average of 10,000 hours while the light of the bulb in the average is extinguished after 1,000 hours, a high-quality energy-saving lamp Burns some energy saving light bulbs up to 15,000 hours. The changeover relieves not only the use of energy, climate, and wallet, but saves also garbage. However, it should be noted strongly that include discarded energy-saving lamps and fluorescent lamps in the House trash! Since March 24, 2006 the waste electrical and electronic equipment Act (ElektroG) stipulates expressly that all gas discharge lamps include low energy light bulbs and fluorescent lamps – must be collected separately and disposed.

They are filled with a small amount of mercury and phosphors. They are stimulated by electrical discharges to the lights. So that the heavy metals in the environment, these must be collected necessarily separately from other waste. The mercury can only then be controlled removed and separated from the glass, recycled metal materials and other components of the lamps or disposed. Straight fluorescent lamps are straight or bent and also neon tubes are called, although they contain no neon. The tubes contain more mercury than the compact lamps, are also much lighter. Especially custom-built shapes contain a very large amount of partly. Currently around 80 million used discharge lamps still with domestic waste be disposed of according to estimates of the lamp manufacturers. This, several hundred kilograms of mercury released uncontrolled into the environment. That a significantly higher proportion of redemption also from private households can be achieved proves the example of Sweden, where a total of around 90 percent of the accumulated gas discharge lamps properly recycled or disposed of properly. Major consumers, from 3,000 units a year, will be directly picked old lamps. At the municipal recycling centers or at Schadstoffmobilen old energy-saving bulbs and fluorescent tubes can be dispensed free of charge. Unlike when batteries are not legally obliged to take back old energy-saving lamps and other electrical appliances retailer, but it can do so on a voluntary basis. Advising municipal waste, you can learn where to located the nearest collection point. Also Ralph Thomas Kuhnle from Waldbrunn in the Odenwald-based FA RK energy consulting have under 06274/928062-0 available information about it.