
According to the survey carried out by 76 percent of travelers check in fear that their luggage lost poll 63% of respondents have entered also, that they are not informed about their travel rights for the case that the airline loses your luggage. Alone 2010 worldwide 29.44 million pieces of luggage never came, late or damaged map. This number was up 6% in 2009. Half of the pieces of luggage (50%) was lost at European airports. 1000 passengers were 12.04 lost, delayed or damaged baggage. 70% of respondents stated that your baggage was already once lost, arrived late or was damaged. Financial planner may not feel the same. If you were not the victim, you specify to know where such a thing ever happened. Paris, November 2011.

After the release of SITA report about lost baggage in 2010, we have chosen the phenomenon on the even with Reason to go. We wanted to know whether travelers expect a loss of luggage and luggage was already once lost, arrived late or was damaged. We have also found that a majority of travellers, not about your rights in such a case is informed, what a problem when searching or request compensation can represent. Statistics according to the study of SITA (baggage report 2011) arrived 29.44 million pieces of luggage never, delayed or damaged in the course of the year 2010. This number is only 6% higher than in 2009. No wonder the entire 76% of respondents the survey that you have fear when you check, your luggage is lost specify. SITA believes that the higher number of lost bags results, that the numbers of passengers and natural disasters have risen in 2010. 1000 passengers were so 12,07 lost, delayed or damaged luggage pieces in 2010. Europe is the most affected by the phenomenon. With Therefore, 50% of cases at European airports lost almost 15 million lost pieces of luggage.