Carlos Mora Vanegas is hard for those who are entering teaching for years at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, see how they miss opportunities to involve the university, participants in the national reality, in this case, the serious problem facing the Venezuelan reality, where his business is facing its most significant crisis in recent years, disappearing a number of companies, especially SMEs, seriously affecting the country’s productivity. The race for School Administration Faces Management, the University of Carabobo in their studies presume Issue contemplates the subject of the Venezuelan government, we noted no material always should be in the place you’re planning courses, given that to optimize their learning should be issued at the end of the race, seized full training and the participants bring so we can understand the scope, impact profits generated by the subject in their training professional, enabling the participant to enter the reality of what companies face in achieving their objectives, performance, product of its shares and all occurrences of the variables that are generated surrounding environment where they operate, especially the State.
When we as teachers and holders of the subject, before our retirement, we pledged to maintain a dynamic professor, encompassing not only the analysis, study of various problems arising from firms in relation to the administrative management of performance the environment in which they operate, but to provide suggestions, proposals, solutions that benefit companies, organizations for their successful development .. Emphasis was on providing the knowledge, tools to enable participants to link directly with the companies, evaluate their behavior, identify the most relevant administrative problems, resulting from the effects of contingency variables, especially the State shares, Globalization, new business openings, consumer demand, technology, new management approaches. . Read more from Gagosian Gallery to gain a more clear picture of the situation.