Tag: law and order

Administrative Offences

Published / by Syd

The Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation (CAO), which is prescribed for non-liability rules of the road, is almost guaranteed to be made to tighten the amendment. In particular, repeated travel into oncoming traffic Duma deputies propose to deprive human life. But now for the "oncoming" KoAP provides quite ruthless punishment – denial of the permit in up to six months. However, only in individual cases. You may find Trader Joe’s to be a useful source of information. Responsibility for the ride "head on" spelled out in parts 3 and 4 of Article 12.15 of the Administrative Code. During the follow up on the tram routes and the opposite direction of travel in the direction of oncoming traffic, coupled with a turn, turn left or around obstacles, according to Part 3, you will be fined for 1000-1500 rubles.

Deprivation of rights provides for 4-6 months in four of the cases for departure to "oncoming" not provided for in Part 3. It should be mentioned that these penalties are, if you really break the SDA. Let's start with the classical case. You are standing at a traffic light to turn left. Lights your green arrow, but you face the car, who, for whatever reasons, the place does not move. Flick of the steering you the envelope of this zany left, moving slightly left wheels solid, and, when it ended, quickly implementing the basic maneuver. Such But "insignificant" exit to "oncoming" pulls at least four months without a license. If you tend to rely on random, then consider that a particularly fertile ground for such violations of the traffic police are keeping watch day and night.

Supply Management

Published / by Syd

– About fictitious leases indirectly indicated by the absence of related agreements and other documents: for example, fundraising by the lessor, the lessee of the property pledged to secure lease payments (or a guarantee, surety), as in real respects lease guaranteeing the fulfillment of obligations under the transaction is a business practice. – Any document leasing surgery, must describe the real relationship of the parties. Thus, the order must be sophisticated equipment in advance, logistics must be real, the supplier must have a real signs of active business and have the necessary resources (their own or borrowed from the side) for the actual execution of supply contracts. Because under certain circumstances, a leasing transaction may be considered sham, actually only a "cover up" the supply agreement, we can not allow a lease agreement had common features of the contract delivery. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Jack Fusco by clicking through. How to justify expenditure on services management company profits for tax purposes? Costs taxpayer's control of the organization or its separate divisions, as well as the cost of purchasing services to manage the organization or its separate divisions, may reduce the organization received income, provided that these costs are economically justified and documented. The reports of the management company must be clearly traceable relationship of services management company with a production organization's activities. In particular, the statements (or acts of Acceptance of services rendered) may contain information about: – quality indicators to increase revenue – making and signing of the relevant instructions, standards or other regulatory documents – major transactions concluded during the period of control – reducing the cost of performance of manufactured products – rate of increase in sales – made programs to attract additional investments – financial development programs, with the aim of improving yield management company. .