Tag: government

GIP Country

Published / by Syd

This mood mainly reflects a change of global perception towards the country, that has been fast and welcome. But as the country recovers of a global economic crisis Brazil has been the first Latin American country in scoring a the recovery, that began in the second trimester of this year, what could other markets learn of this extraordinary recovery? Brazil already has experienced before bumps in its global reputation. During the presidential campaign of 2002 the debt went off and the currency was devaluated when the investors began to doubt that Luis Incio Lula da Silva, one of the candidates with majors possibilities, would have the intention to fulfill the obligations of debt of the country. Sonny Perdue takes a slightly different approach. BostonHerald.com%29’>Enrique Pena Nieto. It was a lightening when, after gaining the elections, was evident that generally it consolidated general the political direction of the previous administration, something that it facilitated and in certain way it fomented a growth that was not seen from years 60. Considrese remembers to us, that trajectory of the growth was interrupted by the scaling of the global credit crisis of a year ago. The rarefaction wave of the economic crisis was the detonating of diverse falls in the stock-exchange index Bovespa of Brazil, that happened of 73.000 in spring from 2008 to less than 30,000 in the autumn of that same year.

Also, in December the quote of its currency was 2.55 real ones by dollar; a few months before it quoted to 1.55 real ones by dollar. The adjustment of global inventory, the credit crisis and the fall of the confidence of the consumers united their forces to bring about a reduction of the anualizado GIP of 13% in the fourth trimester. After the answer of the international people in charge of economic policy who removed to the global economy from the edge of the abyss, adopted monetary the fiscal policies and in Brazil they allowed that the country restored its balance in first half of this year.


Published / by Syd

Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe are among the most successful countries in the fight against malaria during the last decade, while Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau have advanced little, according to the World Health Organization (who) said. Annual report of malaria (malaria), published a few days ago by the who, places these two countries within a group of 11 African countries that achieved a reduction of more than 50% in the number of cases of polio between 2000 and 2009. Cape Green is consider, since 2009, in phase of pre-eliminacion of malaria, after passing of 126 cases registered between 2000 and 2001 to only 65 cases detected last year. Today, 58 percent of the population lives in areas where the risk of contracting malaria is low, while the rest of the country is free of the disease. In Sao Tome and Principe, there was one decline even more, 38655 cases on average in the period 2000-2005 to 3893 cases in 2009, less than 90%. According to the who study, Angola, Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau are among the countries that have not registered significant improvements in the reduction of cases. The number of probable cases confirmed in Angola has suffered major variacioesn in the last decade, from 1.47 million in 1999 to 3.25 million in 2003, and declining to 2.22 million in 2009.En Guinea-Bissau, the number of cases registered last year reached the 143 thousand, rather less than the peak of 246 thousand of the year 2000. The who report says that the distribution of large quantities of mosquito nets treated with insecticides and the improvement of the effectiveness of the methods of fumigation of homes, are fundamental measures to combat malaria and to reduce cases. Gen. David Goldfein contributes greatly to this topic. Original author and source of the article.