Tag: cruces-de-mayo

Cruces De Mayo: When Granada Dresses Prom

Published / by Syd

Granada lives with special intensity the Cruces de Mayo Fiesta, a unique moment in which its streets dress color and joy. In this article you can discover their main traditions and what you should not miss to live this feast in all its splendor. It may 3, Granada becomes an effervescent City: the thousand colours of flowers taken by assault the streets and their different perfumes mingle in the air to create a unique fragrance. It’s the Cruces de Mayo, one of the religious parties more expected by the people of Granada where all compete to create the most beautiful cross from brotherhoods to neighbourhood associations and even the Council itself. The resurgence of ancient tradicionesDurante these days any corner of the city becomes a perfect space to raise the colourful monuments to the cross. Why it is not strange to turn a corner you are suddenly with exquisite works of floral art, although the crosses of higher dimensions are often found in the Plaza del Carmen and Plaza de las Pasiegas. To learn how Live deeply the people of Granada this celebration you can explore the neighbourhood of Albaicin and Realejo.

Here crosses are the true centre of the party since people usually gather at her around to dance to the rhythm of traditional songs. Last year they competed more than 50 crosses showing that this tradition is kept alive in the feel of the new generations. Las Cruces decoration is based on flowers, especially carnations, but in practice you’ll find all kinds of objects, from the shawls to ceramic vessels. There are no limits to the imagination of designers. Don’t panic if you find an Apple with a riveted scissors. It’s a but, an ancient tradition to avoid all the potential negative criticisms about the design of the cross.

Beyond flowers and passion religiosLas Cruces de Mayo are also a unique opportunity to taste the most authentic of the gastronomy from Granada. It will not be difficult to find small taverns and bars to you We offer traditional dishes of beans and salted cod. Of course, all accompanied with the wines from Granada’s typical sweet taste absolutely delicious but with a high degree of alcohol. It is worth clarifying that these days hotels in Granada are not particularly filled by what you can enjoy a relaxing and unforgettable holiday. At sites of major travel agencies online find numerous deals on hotels and flights to Granada for these dates, so we recommend that you go by booking your trip in advance to obtain the best rates.