Nuremberg Risk

NuRNBERGER, with new info video provides numbers and facts on the subject of disability studies show it: every fourth German prematurely resigns from employment because of disability, and often falls into economic difficulties. The Nuremberg conveys should know everyone on the subject of disability and how employees, students and apprentices with disability insurance (BUV) effectively to protect themselves from the consequences of loss of own labour with a new info video briefly and concisely. The issue of disability is nowadays every citizen. The causes of a temporary or permanent employment or occupational disability are varied, ranging from accidents to various forms of severe or chronic diseases. The consequences of disability are severe in most cases and bring significant financial constraints. The State full disability pension is only 722 euros on average for most people too little to afford after paying the rent with costs still a car or other important goods.

Who wants to secure his standard of living even after the loss of its labour force, should inform himself so early on the subject of disability insurance, advises the Nuremberg. With a vivid video clip introduces the Nuremberg since recently the topic of disability and indicate what are the consequences of the loss of labour for a working person can have. At the same time, the Nuremberg in the film introduces the possibilities to protect themselves by means of a disability insurance personally to keep the usual State of life for example after a serious accident with a monthly pension. Members of professional groups, but also students and trainees, with contributions from only 1 euro a day from the effects of a disability can protect independent BU insurance (SBU) of Nuremberg. At the same time can be other insurance models of Nuremberg easily combine with the SBU, for example with the daily sickness allowance insurance or the Nuremberg SchnellHilfe. Learn more about the BUV of Nuremberg, as well as the info video are available under: