Job Search Differently

Various forms of unemployment require different efforts to escape from the unemployment. The concept of unemployment hangs like a Specter over the most people. In recent years, the economic crisis in Germany has brought many people into unemployment. Also have workers who have a job still to lose fear and worry no longer being able to maintain the standard of living they have drawn up over the years. The term unemployment appeared for the first time in Germany in the panic of 1890. Since 2005 and a man considered the then introduced Hartz-IV reform unemployed, if he wants a job and is able to work, but no employment gets. Only these people are listed in the statistics of the Federal Agency for work on the numbers of the unemployed. While long term unemployment and Hartz IV recipients does not at all, also the people who visit a measure of the employment agency will not be listed here.

As a result are “unemployed” as us, far more people feign the statistics. These forms of unemployment there is: friction Elle unemployment: friction Elle unemployment it talks about, when a person from one workplace to the next moves. Includes rental and temporary workers. Seasonality: included all employees in the agricultural, baugewerblichen and dining area. Depending on the season or weather, a full employment is not possible. Unifor recognizes the significance of this. Depending on the requirements an employer sets several workers cyclical fluctuations, he dismisses again if the low order position.

Structural unemployment this form of unemployment caused by changes and use of new techniques and technologies in specific sectors of the economy. It is considered to be long term and has previously traverses a long transition period. Subitems of structural unemployment are characteristic structure Elle unemployment here is the differences in the requirements of the new post and the qualifications which the unemployed person brings. Often both are not compatible technological unemployment: the ongoing industrialization is no longer needed man as a worker in all areas. Machines are more productive and have no monthly wage costs. In addition, there is no sickness and vacation days and thus profitable for a company. Institutional unemployment: This includes absence of incentive for a new position, E.g. with a high unemployment. A new employment offers at first usually not a high salary, often the unemployment benefit is higher than the starting salary and has to take so the unemployed from the point. Base unemployment: The base unemployment arises together from the friction point and structural unemployment. It is also called “Unemployment of dregs of”. Unemployment concealed as concealed unemployment is people, not appearing at all in the official statistics of the federal employment agency. Including Hartz IV recipients, long term unemployed, people in job creation and unemployment fall to a participate officially arranged retraining measure of the employment agency. Silent reserve: the people who are not registered with an authority covered by the “silent reserve”. Usually are people who receive no benefits anyway by the authorities and therefore no reason to sign. But which way is there out of unemployment? Sure, the employment agency is obliged to be a job-seekers with help and advice, but who do not want to rely on or would like to take initiative themselves, who should find his new job over the Internet. Many job fairs offer all kinds of activities. Online job markets will experience an unprecedented boom. A very good alternative zurherkommlichen method.