German Convention Bureau

High efficiency through strategic meeting design on September 9 invited the German Convention Bureau (GCB) for inspiration and common networking Customer Advisory Board (CAB). In Munich, about 40 GCB members, including hotels, Convention bureaus from agencies and locations, encountered buyers from Belgium, Great Britain, Italy and the Netherlands. Of this year’s CAB meetings aimed to bring to their functioning and requirements the GCB members in direct dialogue with their customers and to gain momentum for their own positioning and business strategy. The international buyer worked as a consultant (Advisor) for the Association’s members as well as for the GCB even in this setting. For us as a concept Ionians end Agency the challenge now is to break through the usual frontal presentation of such events and to design an interactive experience where arises a concrete added value for all participants was”describes Oliver malate, Creative Director of DOM SET. The Cologne Agency for Live Communications developed therefore a strategic meeting architecture, whose methodical mix offered a flexible adaptation of the individual content still during the event. The high demands more interaction.

More involvement. More communication.”realised together with the internationally renowned facilitator and editor of the first monograph about meeting design, Mike van the Vijver DOM SET. The result of two days were exciting discussions with valuable insights on Germany as a MICE destination and a satisfied customer. The very target-oriented meeting design by DOM SET proved to be highly effective and has given us very fast good results in this year’s meeting,”stressed Martina Nesper, events/Media & communications in the GCB. Never trust any thought that comes to you in the seats.” To meet the ambitious objectives of the GCB, the concept of DOM SET included a stand-alone preparation day, the team of the GCB along with the Advisory buyers the final focus of the CAB, as well as new insights for the optimization of your own Market position developed.