Month: May 2016

Brazilian Consulate

Published / by Syd

The process to obtain a visa for Brazil is very strict. To get one, you need to go in person to the Brazilian Consulate. Brazil visas are not obtained by mail. You can do a search online to find a Brazilian Consulate nearest, if there are none close, then it is possible that you need to use a visa service or visa Agency. What do I need to get a visa? You need a passport, not a copy, for all members of your family.

It is also a good idea to carry a copy of your flight itinerary, plane tickets and all available information, to be able to prove the reason for your trip. Be sure to bring all documentation that is relevant to his trip to Brazil. What as soon can I get it? Brazilian visas are prepared within 5 business days, from the day on which it was received by the Brazilian Consulate, but on occasions may take longer. There is no option to speed the process, although you can request that your visa is fast.

Egypt Age

Published / by Syd

Roomy leather bag will cost at least $ 100. But it will last a long time – much longer than, say, Italian or Polish. A special style to bring a bottle of wine from Spain in a special leather wineskins. Such colorful wineskin can not find anywhere else. How not to find and Spanish castanets or fans. And Figurines Bulls – victims of bullfighting. In the commercially available clay bulls, oxen, wooden, iron, and even cuddly.

Prices from $ 5 and up. Egypt Age of great pharaohs has long gone, and the Egyptians are speculating on their minds. Country inundated imitations of Egyptian antiquities, as well as burning and rounds of travel agents. It is not worth looking for this edge of the pharaoh or dried natural scarab – buy something that will please. Still fake.

At the same time souvenirs and trinkets can be made even in Egypt itself, as, for example, in China. From Egypt to bring pleasure to papyrus – you can buy and even put his own picture on it in the shops specialized factories. There travelers carry a mandatory basis. When buying a papyrus subtlety, which will be useful to people hypochondriac. There is a belief that each papyrus is not simply a banal image, as a character that has magical significance. So do not choose the papyrus in terms of 'like or dislike. " When choosing find out the exact value of the image. For example, the Egyptian god of death Anupis, made in house, can give you wealth. And two innocent bird-nevelichki suddenly prove deadly. Best Egyptian souvenir – a cartouche. Sell it only in Luxor. Typically, this suspension (at least – a bracelet), which in the ancient Egyptian sign-writing your name gets out. May be silver, gold or a combination of two precious metals. If you decide to buy Egyptian jewelry – necklaces, chains, earrings – just looking for upscale shopping. Yuvelirka from the streets or in small shops, 90% cases, the consumer goods.

Indian Ocean

Published / by Syd

However, the UAE and in winter may not be too hot for this holiday beach, and worth the trip to the UAE more expensive than in Egypt. From more distant countries popular with domestic tourists are the countries located in Southeast and South Asia as well as in the Caribbean Sea and western Indian Ocean. Closer than other countries in Southeast Asia, among which the most popular Thailand. Holidays in Thailand for popular resorts of Pattaya and Phuket – Best full version is really a beach holiday in the winter. Here and in January you can sunbathe and swim as much as necessary, and it should be noted too high prices for holidays in this country. Recently, growing popular tours to neighboring China and Vietnam, but until they lose to Thailand. Popular tours to Malaysia and Indonesia on the island of Bali, but they cost a lot more expensive than in Thailand. It should be noted that the Bali is well-known center of elite tourism.

Quite popular winter vacation in the Caribbean – Cuba and the Dominican Republic. The main drawback of these places is their distant location, which affects the price. However, these countries are not Muslim, like many other places a beach holiday, which attracts some tourists. Weather the winter in the Caribbean is wonderful, so a beach holiday here great. The next region, which is interesting in the winter of our tour is the South Asia. Here in India, in the resort of Goa or Sri Lanka you can relax at affordable prices, and weather in winter is excellent. Expensive holiday in the Maldives, but it should be remembered that the Maldives – is the cheapest option for vacation exotic islands, such as the Bahamas would cost much more. Also, wealthy vacationers can look at Islands in the western Indian Ocean – Seychelles and Mauritius, which developed tourist infrastructure is combined with beautiful scenery and wonderful climate. Many believe that the Seychelles, Maldives and Mauritius are the most beautiful and popular tourist destinations. In winter, you can also relax in Brazil, Australia and many other countries, but these directions are not very popular among our visitors, and offers of tour operators on them is sufficiently small.